New Fuel Economies

Methanol economy vision

We now live in a carbon economy, thanks to devestating oil and gas production and an understanding with the oil producing countries (that would rather keep some oil for themselves). But before that we have had a coal based economy, and before that a wood based economy. How to cook, cast iron, heat without wood if there is no coal. Slavery is another economy, because slaves can be given fixed caloric rations and be excluded from economic exchanges, and if they grow more crops than they consume you have a free source of calories, labour, productive power to generate wealth.

An economy becomes based on something if that something is the primary factor in production of goods and services. 

For our future based on renewables several ‘economies’ have been proposed, based on different fuels that are somewhat compatible with our present fuels.

A wind-turbine NH3 facility would essentially lock in our energy cost
for the next 20 years. My very rough figures indicate an equivalent cost
of about $3.00/gallon for NH3 production (bron)

We have the Ammonia based economy, which means most internal combustion engines run on Ammonia (NH3) instead of fossil fuels. Especially diesel engines are very well suited, and need almost no conversion to become ammonia engines. Ammonia can be made with wind through a well understood process. Today Ammonia is made with methane, but before that it was made with hydroelectricity.

Ammonia fuel safety 

The ammonia economy is hampered by rediculous fuel safety rules, namely that new fuels need to be 1000 times safer than the ones we already have. Ammonia is the safest fuel if used in cars, trucks etc. Another way it is hampered is by making it hard to get funding or investment. This is simply the banks protecting their primary cash cow, fossil fuels, becuase ammonia means independent production, storage, logistics of energy, meaning no ‘carboncredit’ needed. 

Freedom fertilizer wind ammonia synthesis

The Hydrogen economy may some day take off, but it’s unlikely. Simply because if hydrogen is used to the fullest extent there is no problem in production based on renewables, and people don’t need to have an economy to get it, it won’t be scarce, you won’t need to work for it, you produce it locally and that’s it. It’s not the best solution for cars, batteries are much more efficient (35%). But it is unlikely our present society will see a conversion to all electric cars before some major carbon economic calamity. To speed things up we would need to push wheel hub electric motors so a bigger part of the fleet can convert and possibly use hydrogen fuel cells. For heavy industry there are easier more energy dense synthetic fuel options.

Early biofuel crops 

The Ethanol economy is quite old. Brazil has had it for decades, growing sugar cane, turning it into alcohol and mixing that in the fuels for cars and trucks etc. It’s a biofuel, and it is unclear how efficient it is. Maybe we can group it with all Biofuels, unsaturated or saturated plant fats and oils, with the exception of maritime or pond grown algae and seaweed. The trouble with biofuels and ethanol is that it depends on agriculture, and that depends on massive fertilizer production, diesel logistics, chemical imputs which still depends on carbon supplies (with the exception maybe of sugar cane, have to look into how that worked). 

The Methanol economy is an interesting one. It is patented! Methanol can be synthesized with electricity like ammonia. It has some nasty properties in that it is corrosive and poisonous to humans. But that means you can make more money managing and securing it, which creates an appeal to common economic thinkers. Ethanol/Methanol mixes are now touted as being suitable for all engines, which they where for some time. The two factors are corrosion and ignition, engines may not be made of materials that can stand the corrosion, and the ignition system needs to be programmed to deal with the specific flash point of the fuel (which for a long time was slowed down in gasoline using lead). 

Making methanol with electricity.

The Synthetic Methane economy is another possibility, but holds the risk of inviting the gas economomy, fracking, clathrate gas and resulting complete ecological anihilation. But Methane can be made with solar power, by splitting water and mixing the H with CO. You end up with a hydrocarbon gas to which a lot of our world is already adapted. One of the countries trying it is Quatar. One cathalist is nickel, but that is unpatentable. If you have hydrogen you can make the methane easy, and if you have methane an number of other chemicals come within reach, silmilar to ethanol/methanol.

A way to make methane directly with sunlight. It’s easy once you have H2 and CO2


The above economies need space to grow into. The currently dominant carbon economy will crash at some point, namely when industry and banks have rallied enough right wing numbskulls to prevent our proper response to poverty and chaos. The better scenario for industry is war. We are now seeing poverty grow but we are all still to much hooked up to a few media sources to see our reality and grasp the trend. Once we do we must hope to still be able to do something about it. Then we may develop all of these options and more, so a mixed opportunistic economy, and hopefully noone will be strong enough to push out any other ever again.Then as renewables take over the role of primary source of wealth we will be able to use all this energy to restore what we now allow fossil fuels to destroy. We are smarter to start now though.

Duurzaamheidslening, Gratis Groener?

Met enig enthousiasme vernam ik dat Eindhoven werkelijk duurzaamheidsleningen verstrekt via SVN. Dat wordt niet vaak werkelijk gedaan.De rente is dan 2%, 3% lager dan de standaard rente voor hypotheken. Een uitleg vindt u hier. Een presentatie er over vindt u hier. Er zitten kosten aan.

U betaalt 55,- voor de beoordeling van de lening. Verder betaalt u eenmalig aan het begin 1,5% provisie voor het afsluiten
van de lening en 0,5% (minimaal €70,-) voor het openen van een

Enfin, dat is over de looptijd niet zo’n groot bedrag, in totaal 255 Euro voor een lening van 10.000 Euro. Door de lange looptijd zijn de kosten uiteindelijjk 3255,- Euro. Dus in 15 jaar realiseert SVN een rente van 30% van het basisbedrag op de lening.


Voor die 10.000 kunt u ongeveer 7000 Wp aan zonnepanelen kopen (incl. installatie en btw). Die leveren op jaarbasis zo’n 1249,- Euro op, dus per maand 104,- Euro. De maximale aflossing (er is een begintermijn met lagere aflossing) is 1008,- Euro per jaar, dus over de looptijd steekt u vanaf de eerste dag wat geld (241,-) in de zak. U ziet dat u in het eerste jaar iig de afsluitkosten kunt betalen uit de opbrengst. Mocht de stroomprijs stijgen dan is het meer, mocht deze dalen dan heeft u ook voordeel.

U leent maar heeft nooit kosten omdat de opbrengst van de zonnepanelen deze dekken. Verder is uw stroom groener en kan u 15 jaar X 1249,- = 18.742,- aan inkomsten verwachten na het aflossen.

In de praktijk heeft enige tijd geleden navraag gedaan bij installateurs en gemeenten over de duurzaamheidslening, maar deze bleek in sommige gevallen niet doorgevoerd, en in andere niet ondersteund. In Utrecht werd er een punt van gemaakt de leningen preferentieel aan bepaalde inkomensgroepen toe te wijzen. Het loont de moeite om eea na te gaan, want het extra aflossingsbedrag verdient u terug met de panelen.

Overigens is een investering in isolatie of een efficientere CV in sommige gevallen rendabeler. Wij geloven echter dat opwekken van energie de doorslag zal geven in de vergroening van de samenleving, dwz, elke seconde dat er fossiele brandstoffen worden gebruikt leveren we onze ecologie in.

Wilt u eea eens doorrekenen dan kunt u altijd emailen naar

Gratis Geld in Eindhoven

De SVN Duurzaamheidslening is een lening waarbij de gemeente een deel van de rente betaald. Dit is over de looptijd gemiddeld een paar duizend Euro. Als gevolg hiervan is de effectieve rente erg laag, in het geval van de in Eindhoven aangekondigde lening 2%. Daar komt nog wel een en ander bij (want SVN gedraagt zich verder als een normale bank), maar dit schept toch een mooie mogelijkheid wat geld op te strijken.

Zonnepanelen renderen hoger dan de rente over de lening. Dus de panelen betalen zich zelf af.

Om in aanmerking te komen voor de lening moet u aan de volgende voorwaarden voldoen (bron):
– U bent eigenaar-bewoner van een bestaande woning in Eindhoven (dus geen nieuwbouw)
– De aanvraag moet minimaal zes weken voor de start van de realisering van de maatregel worden ingediend
– De maatregelen worden door een aannemer of installateur uitgevoerd
– De WOZ-waarde van de woning is niet hoger dan 500.000 euro
– De maatregelen moeten tot energiebesparing leiden
– Een positieve financiële toetsing door stichting Stimuleringsfonds Volkshuisvesting Nederlandse Gemeenten (SVn) 

Kort gezegd moet u een hypotheek hebben en moet u genoeg geld overhouden om de aflossingen te betalen. De effectieve besparing die u direct realiseert is de opbrengst van de panelen min de aflossing en rente kosten. Of dat positief uitpakt hangt af van de prijs van het systeem, maar ook van de ontwikkeling van de electriciteits prijs. De berekenig is als volgt:

Een voorbeeld van een lening van 10.000 Euro, u betaalt de eerste 3 jaar 25,- per maand, 4e tot het 15e 84,- Euro/maand.

Voor dat bedrag koopt u een installatie van 7 kWp (KiloWattpiek). Deze heeft een jaarlijkse opbrengst van 5950 kWh (normopbrengst SDE).

Bij een electriciteits prijs van .21 Euro/kWh levert dit 1249,- Euro per jaar op. Dit is op maandbasis 104,- Euro.

De eerste drie jaar houdt u dus zonder kosten ~75 Euro per maand over, en daarna 16,- Euro. Na 15 jaar is de installatie van u en kunt u nog minstens 15 jaar van de inkomsten genieten, dwz goedkope stroom. Dit kost u verder niets.

Het is de laatste tijd wat minder duidelijk wat de stroomprijs nu zal doen. De toenemende hoeveelheid wind en zonnestroom verlaagt de prijs, soms tot deze negatief is zoals recent door deense windelectriciteit. Kolen en gas centrales willen de prijs graag verhogen, want zij moeten onbetaald stroom leveren in de winter waar ze mensen al in de zomer voor betalen (van zonnepanelen).

Terugleveren van zonnestroom is een probleem voor de electriciteitscentrales, want de stroom kan niet worden opgeslagen, en moet later met onbetaalde brandstof worden opgewekt.

Het model dat de energiebedrijven presenteren is het grid/net als opslagmedium, als buffer, maar dat is het helemaal niet. Als ze dit zouden toegeven en alleen de marktprijs voor zonnestroom betalen zou het opeens heel rendable worden om wel een opslag medium te vinden (zolang het voor minder dan ~8 ct per kWh kan). Die zoektocht willen ze echter niet uitlokken om dat die wellicht succesvol blijkt en dan is het hele concept netwerk/grid/smartgrid discutabel. Wie heeft er een grid nodig als hij in zijn/haar wijk de eigen stroom tot de winter kan bewaren?

Presentatie over de duurzaamheidslening

What to think when martians try to eat your face

It’s a dark winter evening, you drive home from a long day at the office. Suddenly, on an empty stretch of highway your engine starts sputtering. It dies and you roll to the side with the clutch in neutral (this is Europe). Strange, maybe the battery had a defect. When you try to open your door it gives way really fast and before you realize what happend you are strangled about 5 meter above ground in what appears to be the grip of a giant green alien. You’re eyes are close to it’s mouth. And as it starts chewing you eyebrows off you think..

You’ve been warned. Many books describe these dangerous scenarios. What happens when aliens get angry, and there are so many of them. Early conceptions where rather crude, metal people, electrified shopping carts exclaiming "Exterminate! Anihilate! Destroy!". There’s a whole body of knowledge about this called Science fiction that opens up about the risks and dangers, many stories of how the Earth was nearly destoyed, some where aliens are friendly even.

Never would anyone try to stop science fiction writers, or many others for that matter. Writing about a lot of things is ok, even about drugs, murder and prostitution. You are allowed to describe your town as in some grim parallel univers where all inhabitants are zombies, or with some superhero keeps everyone safe, or as a mechanism for testing what ‘humanity’ actually is, as a tool of experiment.

Restricting speech is something religions have always done to control behaviour 

What then is this freedom of speech issue, why are there people that claim we don’t have the right to say what we want? We can say the most crazy things and somehow there’s stuff we can’t say? We can. I can predict president Obama is shot as a result of his push away from fossil fuels. I can say someone wants to shoot him. I can make a character that is a bearded recluse that has a whole raft of arguments why he needs to destroy Obama. This can be put in print, it can be published in books or online, it has many times. Day of the Jackal, pretty good description of how to shoot a president about 40 years ago. It was in theaters all over the world.

But there is clearly something going wrong in our world today. We see a los of habius corpus, there are thousands of unconvicted prisoners in China and the US, US and China. The terrorism and evesdropping laws are now so loose your free speech can put you in jail without allowing you to mention it to anybody! The UK has secret gag laws as well : You can’t speak about something, but are not allowed to tell anybody you can’t. This is a trend that accompanies the publishing of outrageous news, like banks being pardonned while having enabled drug trade, transactions with Iran during an embargo, transactions with the money they where supposed to keep safe.

We are not talking freedom of speech, but freedom to organize. Freedom to motivate. I can write about crime, make lots of money doing it, but I can not use language to organize and motivate crime. This is what wiretapping is all about, catching those words that mean action, because the action is dangerous or in our modern world, simply commercially undesired. 

If you can’t organize through speech, you remain weak 

Freedom to organize is a much more serious resriction on society than the mere freedom to say something. This is what affects democracy, or if you wish to be open to the manner of governance, it affects the freedom to self govern. The free speech/unfree organizing situation is well demonstrated by the cry for action regarding the dolphin slaughter in Japan. You see many tweets on how horrible it is to slaughter dolphins, but very little if none offering cash to whoever stops the slaughter. Or a rally cry to get a ship an block the fishermen. Or a cry to talk to the family of these fishermen, or to pay them, or to do anything effective. Freedom of speech yes, freedom to organize and be effective no.

You can stop hoping for justice if you can’t organize force

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange made the distinction clear : He wanted to publish stuff that would make a difference politically. This means it would change behaviour of people, some of them. Aaron Schwartz did that when he stopped SOPA, a restrictive copyright law. He was legally harrased to such a degree that he committed suicide. It was not that he spoke out, it was that his speech organized and mobilized people into behaving differently and this stopped the law.

SOPA would have made it easier to convict people who copy material that is copyrighted. It would create a deterrent for people to share and try to access information only based on the fact that someone claimed ownership. Not because someone created it and wanted to earn a living, but simply based on a territorial claim on words. "I own ‘to be or not to be’, you pay or stay away!".

Powerless movements are therapy, it teaches you a movement has no power

We should bring out the fact we are less and less free to organize. Less and less free to create power based on morality. We are more and more forced to adapt our behaviour to people that simply want us to earn their bread and butter, in an increasingly exit free culture. Our knowledge is supposed to be entertainment. You can’t improve anything unless you also improve the lives of those that control your information. Serving is a given through the control of your ability to organize independently, through control of what you can signal to others.

The irony is that the direction society is steered towards is not on the mind of those that influence it. Their concern is much more shortsighted. So your life becomes a result of forces that don’t even consider its integrity. It’s madness, like an artist sculpting a statue of life kittens and glue. It’s time to focus on self governance and local freedom, not in terms of expressiveness but in terms of results.

What to think if martians try to eat your face? First maybe "Gee, so that stuff was totally usefull!" and then maybe "Shoot, there goes my only hope of rescue…" 

Het Bank-Marionetten Theater dat Politiek heet

Een goed interview met Guardian correspondent Joris Luijendijk,

klik hier om het te horen.

Onze politiek is in de ban van economische afwegingen, die gemaakt worden oa op basis van kredietverstrekking. Daarmee zijn ze in de ban van de banken. Al jaren drukken we in de VS en Europa geld uit het niets. Joos legt niet uit waarom dat kan, het antwoord is echter simpel : Er staan fossiele brandstoffen tegenover. Du moment dat de VS 12 biljoen dollar bijdrukt zouden de olie prijzen moeten exploderen, want voor wat hoort wat. Maar omdat de VS en Europa strategische controle hebben over fossiele reserves hoeven ze niet werkelijk iets in te leveren voor de fossiele brandstoffen. Dat is wel aan het veranderen, bv. Iran wil nu goud voor zijn olie. Egypte lijkt zich aan de greep van de VS te ontworstelen.Wordt de controle over fossiele reserves verloren dan is ons geld van het een op het andere moment waardeloos.

Max Keiser

Joris doet het relaas dat Max Keiser al jaren doet. Ik was een grote fan van Max vanaf ~2006 maar ben recent terug gekomen van zijn behoefte mensen in een bind te houden. Er mag geen oplossing zijn want dan loopt je publiek weg. Net als Scientologie en andere new age groepen moet er een constant accuut probleem zijn. Nu is dat er zeker, maar er is ook een oplossing, namelijk meer hernieuwbare energie.

Max Keiser’s positie is dat goud en zilver in prive bezit tegelijk het bankwezen ondermijnen en ons voorbereiden op een post bankwezen omgeving. Dit zou zo zijn als we overgingen/teruggingen naar een arbeids intensieve economie. Zoals voor de oliedollar waar veel mensen betrokken waren bij de creatie van elkaars welvaart.  Goud en zilver zijn dan geschikt omdat het arbeids potentieel redelijk stabiel is, en dus de productie, en dus de logische geldhoeveelheid.


Volgens Greencheck zijn goud en zilver zeker belangrijk, maar stelt onze digitale infrastructuur ons in staat eenvoudig uniek en gelimiteerd geld te creeren (zie bv. bitcoin). Daarvan zal onze welvaart dus niet gaan afhangen. Wat wel een bepalende factor zal zijn is energie. Hoeveel we daarvan hebben bepaalt hoeveel we kunnen recyclen, produceren en dus onze welvaart. Meer hernieuwbare energie is tevens een aanslag op de fossiele geldstromen die het bankwezen nu in leven houden. Hernieuwbare energie is niet schaars, dus het ondermijnt het op schaarste management gebaseerde economische systeem.

Crisis toerisme

Het is niet belangrijk hoe en wanneer wie hoeveel geld stal van wie. Waar het om gaat is hoe we onze welvaart kunnen redden uit de draaikolk van schuldverschuivingen die het parasietaire bankwezen creert om zelf in leven te blijven. Een draaikolk waarin de maatschappelijk zwakken het eerst verdwijnen, pensioenen, bejaarden, werkelozen (door automatisering en fossiele/krediet tekorten), cultuur. We moeten onszelf afleren onszelf crisis toerist te voelen. Dat is een natuurlijke dissociatie omdat de realiteit te schokkend is. Dit No-way-out syndroom waart door de media, maar wie wil overleven creert een oplossing of uitweg.

Lees Breaking the No Way Out Propaganda

Het is het fossiele/bankaire systeem dat alleen kan bestaan als een hele hoop mensen er in wezen niet meer zouden zijn. Dat kan door een plutonomie (bovenklasse) te creeren, en dan de onderklasse armer en armer te maken. Niemand in Europa hoeft arm te zijn omdat bv. Spanje, Italie, Griekenland ingelovelijke hoeveelheden zonne energie ontvangen. We doen daar alleen niks mee, als het aan onze banken en energie bedrijven zou liggen blijft het bij mondjesmaat aanspreken en moeilijk moeilijk, duur duur. Die natuurlijke hulpbronnen zijn niet alleen de enige maar ook het beste antwoord op de crisis, niet meer van hetzelfde.

Australie Brand, Bethlehem Bevriest

Een familie schuilt onder een stijger om een bosbrand te overleven

In Austrailie is een nieuwe kleur geintroduceerd om de temperatuurvoorspellingen mogelijk te maken. Een soort paarsblauw voor 54 graden Celcius. Het land is voor een groot deel woestijn en de warmte kan daar geen kant op.

Extreme hitte in Australie

Er zijn twee reacties mogelijk op deze hoge temperaturen, de eerste, onder economische omstandigheden te verwachten reactie is die van meer brandverzekeringen, paniek en het verlaten van de te hete gebieden, klagen en wenen. Dat komt omdat je op basis van een afnemende olie, kolen en gas voorziening geen grootschalige ecologische actie kunt ondernemen. Daarvoor krijg je van banken geen ‘krediet’ want waar wordt de ‘winst’ gemaakt?

De Roboeconomie, of Robo-eco-nomie, maakt gebruik van robotische/automatische systemen die draaien op hernieuwbare energie om welvaart te brengen en de ecologie te herstellen.

De slimmere ‘Roboeconomische’ respons gaat uit van het zeer grote zonareal dat Australie heeft, van het gebruik van steen als bouwstof zonder cement oid dmv zon gedreven technologieen. Dan ontstaat er een visie van een mega irrigatie project dat zeewater zoet maakt en diep in het hart van Australie brengt, waar het voor verkoeling en plantengroei, en dus massale CO2 afvangst kan zorgen. De zon schijnt ook boven de jungle van de Amazone, maar het is er niet droog.

Het potentieel voor ecologisch herstel op basis van hernieuwbare energie heeft geen limiet. Het gaat gebeuren en is al vaak gebeurt. Wil u dat er dan ook nog mensen zijn dan moet u deze klimaat catastrofe stoppen.

Klimaatactie zal op basis van hernieuwbare energie moeten plaatsvinden. Alleen dan kan het worden doorgezet. Als het afhangt van kolen, olie of gas dan kunnen de prijzen actie blokkeren, banken kunnen andere keuzes maken bij kredietverstrekking en ben je dus overgeleverd aan het systeem dat je probeert te bestrijden, dwz je hebt al verloren. In deze strijd win je door hernieuwbare energiebronnen met hernieuwbare energie te maken, iets dat prima kan.

Witte kerst in Bethlehem

Prijzen Zonnepanelen Wederom Gedaald

In Januari zijn de prijzen van panelen met 2-5% gedaald tov december. Als u interesse heeft kunt u ons emailen via Het kleinste systeem met 1 paneel 250Wp heeft u al voor rond de 400,- Euro. Er is nog steeds subsidie.

Apple Stole Our Idea! Using Wind to generate Heat!

What is it? It is a (VAWT) wind driven heat storage device. 

As a dutch person I may have a bit more imagination when it comes to uses of wind energy than the average global citizen. We had windturbines since 1300ths or so and used them for water pumping, cutting, sawing, grinding, pressing in an industrial way long before the rest of the world caught on. When Rotterdam drowned because of to much water being (windmill) pumped into it’s main river upstream to create new farm land (most of our country is below sealevel) the city commisioned 8 brand new wooden windmills, in a row, like a regular turbine park, to push the water to another river. Holland thus sported the first real wind farm.


The US got one dutch windmill as a gift, it’s in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park. Others where taken apart, and shipped to be reassembled in the US (one woodcutting mill at least). Maybe because of this tradition, but also because of my frustration with ignoring heat at one of our primary renewable energy requirements, I thought of making heat with wind. It is the simplest thing to make heat, all energy tends to become heat after a while. If it wasn’t for the Sun showering Earth with high grade photons we would be stuck on a slowly cooling rock, because heat doesn’t create much options (although it can store energy in chemical compounds.). So I claimed the url and wrote about the idea on this blog. Created the video below.

Made oct 2011.

True my video is made after Apple filed for the patent, but I didn’t know that and had been thinking about it for some time. The oldest revision on is from februari 2011. Now compare to the imags from the apple patent:

Apples new patent of an application of wind to heat conversion

You can see the same paddles in a liquid storage tank as in my video. It turns out to be the simplest way to generate heat. In the Apple patent the heat in the tank is then used to generate steam to drive a turbine, through some intermediary medium, probably with the optimal evaporation point. This is standard procedure, you can run a turbine with water steam, but also with a mix of f.i. ammonia and water, or alcohol, aceton, whatever works best. The Apple patent is imho not valid, because it is an application of several known technologies including my wind to heat converter, and combinations of non novel techniques are never patentable (except in the US?).

Now to be honest, as we looked around on internet this year we discovered the above invention. It’s the same thing we thought of, but instead of a straight blade VAWT it uses a savonius vertical turbine, a very inefficient one, probably to scare off interest in the concept. So in fact Apple could have stolen that idea and used it to file for their patent 5 years later. Because the above image is from a Singapore paper of 2006, quite a complete and buildable concept, called the Joule Machine. What the paper does nicely is calculate the yield of the machine given the dimensions of the blades, something I skipped because it’s barely relevant a soon as you know how much energy you put in through the axle.

The paddles are extremely low tech, yet just what you need. another way to do it is with magnets, which is not optimal because heat demagnetizes them. 

Now in our dysfunctional credit driven innovation environment people will now wait for Apple to build the thing, being weary of being sued shitless if they try themselves. Bankers will make the thing sick expensive, because the main theme is GAS, not WIND. Since Steve Jobs died it’s been glaringly clear Apple finance is run by robbers, ask them what happened to thier cash reserves, their only weapon to keep them out of the clutches of debt. So we may be looking at patent capture and not see this thing build any time soon.

We can easily predict there is a role for a moleten salt MFD (Magneto Fuild Dynamic) generator here somehwere, but let’s wait for the Apple patent! 

For the home this device is very usefull, derivative devices using mechanical energy as well, so as we suggested, the wind driven heat pump, can multiply the energy of a small 1 kW turbine into 4 kW heating or cooling. We lacked the budget to build demo devices, but are still looking for those that want to pool some cash and build an open source test rig. The sooner the better, because once a patent is granted you get all kinds of money sharks playing with something that is basically a game changer. That is what makes our world sad, while we should burst with joy over the fact we have a sun, we have wind, we have waves, able to provide us with immense amounts of costless clean energy.

Open Source Development of a Wind Heating System 

Wind in de Winter, Stroom voor de Warmtepomp? 

The Case for Climate Optimism

This blog has a viewpoint you won’t hear very often. It’s because we don’t have any financial ties, no firm dependence on the prevailing opinions about the economy and frankly, we don’t give a damn about opinions. We started from scratch finding out the reality of climate change, of the process of extinction that is now well under way and of all the ways in which economic interests pushed humanity, and is still pushing it, to a certain calamitous demise. At the moment we are still witnessing a fire fueled from the depths of our Earth, consuming all that evolved in it’s absence, the World Economy.

The fire dormant for millenia in our crust spread all around us..Hell came above ground.

Our view is that humanity will overcome this age of addiction and slavery. Never before was the world driven crazy by an automatic marketing machine telling it burning more is good, that your culture is copyrighted, that you own a house but also a debt you need to work for years to pay off. The age of intermediation created for only one reason, the expansion of carbon cashflow along with the control of our freedom. So shameless is the lie that people will rather see their grandparents die because medicine has become to expensive than go bankrupt and lose their home to an anonymous lender they never met and that won’t suffer. Fossil fuel is the only creditor in this world, and the debt we owe is CO2 in our atmosphere.

More people due to energy on demand from fossil fuels. This will change (bron)

There is a clear message of the dominant players, the carbon powered ones, they tell us that we need to tighten our belt, that gas is the future, that some things are too expensive (clean energy) and others are cheap (carbon/nuclear). They fund movies showing the world as one big wilderness of natural abundance, Tell us fish is sustainable. complain about trade barriers and the difficulty of mining in the unpoliced rainforests. They bring the goodies without telling anyone they stole them, they killed the owner, and they are poisonous.

But it was poison (graph based on model) (bron)

But there is a simple fact that will not budge and will remain true no matter how big the devastation. The clean variant of energy is more abundant, more accesible, easier to capture, unintermediated. We think carbon rules the world, well no. It rules the western world. It brings about enormous damage and a dreadfull prospect if unchecked. But it’s not the most powerfull force at work. Its primarly the Sun, the source of fossil fuels in the first place. Then the elements set loose upon us due to carbon overuse : storms, droughts, fires, floods, famines and now also vulcanos and earthquakes, the burned carbon wafts quietly as CO2 over the spectacle.

How to deal with this?

There is no economic solution for our problems. Their very nature is economic. We written about the need for three currencies, about the need of a separate economical realm that would run by different rules, the so called Extraeconomical zones. Why? Because the economic belief system was designed to run on fossil fuel abundance. Credit extended is worthless if it can not buy an otherwise unused resource : fossil fuel reserves. Where in medieval times you needed a forest to build a ship, now you only need fossil fuels and steel machines, to mine the steel, to refine it, to power the welders and presto. And if you need a tree you can go all around the globe to get it from someone without guns, without the concept of ownership of wood. Someone you can kill if he/she objects because it’s in a rainforest (many anti logging activists in South america have been killed).

Don’t protest the loggers, you’re dead

This economic way of thinking places the emphasis on the valueless ‘means of exchange’, also a means of organization no doubt. What is not considered is the availability of that which is supposed to be bought and traded. That is to much complexity for most people to handle, and if it isn’t the abstract manipulations of money will be made more complex, frightfull and interesting to make it so!

The urge to steal not the urge to care redefined the concept of ownership

One can say "Who cares!", most rulers where muderous thughs through the ages, we had a nice period based on fossil fuels, let the chips fall where they may and don’t try to globalize some kind of solution. That attitude is fine, but anyone who wants a future must now fight for it. It is not a given that the world will have order, food, anything in the next 30 years. The chaos will become bigger and bigger until either it seizes to be recorded or we deal with the problem. We are going extrinct, and we need to defend ourselves.

Life can be actively protected and secured with renewable energy.

The most elegant solution we came up with is the creation of a number of extraeconomical zones. You may wonder why there’s no Dubai in the Sahara, because everything you might need is there or could be brought there given enough renewable energy. There is enough renewable energy to make every dry patch of desert green. There is enough renewable energy to make every square meter of ocean a fishtank. There is enough to automatically plant a forest where the pines die in Canada.There is enough renewable energy to paint the South pole silver or cover it with hardened reflective material (although it is smarter to do that around the equator). There is enough renewable energy to oxygenize our oceans from the deep, preventing the final stage of our now still likely extinction, hydrogen sulfate releases. What is the key? Building renewable energy sources with renewable energy sources. Then no carbon credit is needed for production.

There is plenty of power to effect change.

The carbon cashflow system is only interested in creating a manageable cashflow that can be intermediated by banks and everyone else so they can take a piece of the action. It is basically a virtualized slavery system with a high payoff for the slave/consumer. This is not negative framing because the consumer is a slave, we see that because the system does not want to allocate carbon credit (purchasing power) to the non workers, the idle, it is a game played between energy companies, banks, industry, consumers. The other way is to use renewables, but then there is no game, there is only owned wealth, and this means less consumption, less cashflow for the intermediaries, and so it is fought by those that live of carbon cashflow.

Economic forces fight cashflow reduction. That is why we have bubbles, that only work if they are matched to available carbon resouces. Hence the carbon/credit system. Renewables reduce carbon cashflow.

At this moment one can see the cracks as the people’s independence of this system starts to assert itself. The bonds and derivatives can turn valueless overnight, as can the dollar, and this will be a great calamity in itself, but only because while all these instruments of carboncredit management functioned people where kept from dealing with the growing threat of collapse. Fossil fuel energy collapse. Strategicaly the US could never allow a full default on it’s paper, only for isolated non-essential groups of the population, or could it? Who wants to go to sea on a burning raft?

Lessons in survival

When Germany could no longer pay the heavy WW I reparations to France the french marched in and occupied the Ruhr industrial area, known for it’s coal mines (guess where German wealth came from). In that sense the US is well protected, it took a lesson from Catch-22 in the sense that it became a weak manufacturer, like the old italian scorning the american "be weak, blow with the wind". No industry to occupy, little reseves to own. "A bald chicken can not be plucked". Fine strategy, but that still doesn’t solve the problem of our pending extinction and preceding chaos.

The extra economical zones

A global agreement on fossil fuel use reduction will never be reached, politics is not informed by facts, it is informed by power, and fossil fuels are still the biggest power. Let’s hope people conclude waging war would be to big a waste of oil. But in itself it won’t be enough for people to live clean and green, there needs to be a countering of the process. Until today that has not happened in any other sense then the planting of millions of trees where they didn’t grow before, as they burn and die where they did grow as a result of climate change and carbon credit economics.

Can a global council meet on establishing, for the use for climate change mitigation through extraeconomical means, all areas now of no economical value? Who would lose?

Read more about the extraeconomical zones here. The idea is that you take a territory, something that can be decided by a global council, and assign it for three tasks 1. Generation of renewable energy 2. Restoring atmospheric and ecological balance. 3. Keep itself alive. No trade from the world economy or any bank can take place between an extraeconomical zone and the rest of the planet. It is like terraforming on Earth. Extraeconomical projects can be channel building, reforestation, irrigation, carbon capture, ocean oxygenation, fish breeding, quite a number of activities that can be done autonomous with renewables. The key is that the renewable energy sources can be manufactured with renewable energy only. One can make ethanol, methane, NH3 with solar electricity or wind, geothermal, you name it and there are ways to do it that extract next to no resources from the world economy. Of course mining and all other technological methods can be used to achieve the goals set.

The desert regions of Africa can be one vast extraeconomical zone, irrigated from the oceans.

All ‘investments’ in extraeconomical zones will be considered defence spending, not to be associated with returns of any kind. The energy production in the zones means they can operate virtually without external credit anyway. The zones may need protection so it is not likely that the different armies from across the globe will be involved. The hard part is then not to let any resouce be used with preference by people in the world economy. Luckily the one can grow a lot of food as long as one does not have to follow the carbon economical rules. The defence council can be government for these zones, a world government in fact, but who would object?

The biggest extraeconomical zone will be parts of the oceans

Because the solution of extraeconomical zones is feasible, because the technology exist to make it work and because our renewable resources are so enormous there is room for optimism. The problem will be solved. It will take discipline and time, especially now we are tipping the scales and causing the release of massive amounts of methane from the frozen tundra and the ocean floor. But even then we can work our way back. The only thing that stands in our way is the carbon credit system, the current way of economical thinking. To deal with that we define a new parallel system that does not compete with it. An so there is a solution.

There is uncommen technology that is needed to do things without to much effect on the world economy, but we know what those are.

Vermoeden bevestigd, Klimaat Verandering vergroot aantal Vulkaanuitbarstingen

Update 14 mei 2014 Climate change could increase volcanic eruptions

Eerder schreven we over de effecten van het smelten van de polen op de ondergrond. Onze aardkorst is niet zo dik (~35 km) en drijft op een zee van gesmoten steen en ijzer. Het is vergelijkbaar met een isolatiedeken op een zwembad. De varandering waarover eerder werd gespeculeerd zou in totaal 1 km kunnen bedragen on de pool zone. Da’s heeft gevolgen.

“The disappearance of ice caps will change the pressures
acting on the Earth’s crust and set off volcanic eruptions across the
globe” (bron)

Nu schrijft de Scientific American er ook over in een typisch ‘May’-style artikel. De Guardian (hierboven) is een stuk duidelijker dan de Scientific American, wat aan het politieke klimaat kan liggen, al zou dat een trieste constatering moeten zijn. Ze stellen alleen vast dat het kan.

The study doesn’t address whether modern-day climate change would have
any impact on the frequency of volcanic eruptions, though in theory it’s
possible, Jegen said. (bron)

Er zit ook een opvallende ommissie in het stuk :

the rapid melting of continental glaciers and the resulting sea-level rise eventually increased volcanic eruptions as much as fold.

Er ontbreekt een getal tussen as en fold. As much as 10-fold? 20-fold? Het maakt niet zoveel uit want de trend is al vastgesteld. Het is geen hypothese maar een empirisch feit dat vulkaan uitbarstingen toenemen, alsook aardbevingen.  De vS heeft wat dat betreft een zwakke plek, en daar zou heel wat heisa over kunnen ontstaan, nl de Yellowstone Caldera.

Researchers report the super-volcano
underneath the state of Wyoming
has been rising at a record rate
since 2004. Its floor has gone up three inches per year for the last
three years indicating the fastest rate since records began in 1923
” (bron)

Als deze mega vulkaan barst dan wordt het ten eerste een flinke explosie, ten tweede een athmosferische ramp. Niet veel mensen in de VS zullen zo’n gebeurtenis overleven. Link naar actuele aardbevingen kaart.

Is het mogelijk de trend te keren? Het lijkt typisch iets waar je nu eenmaal niets aan kan doen. De atmosfeer zal blijven opwarmen tenzij we de CO2 en andere broeikas gassen eruit verwijderen. Dat is om verschillende redenen zeer wenselijk (understatement van de eeuw). Misschien is het gebruik van geothermische energie hiervoor een goede methode. Momenteel laten we bedrijven as EON en Electrabel echter nog CO2 spuien, ook al beloven ze CO2 carpture en storage om dat vervolgens niet te doen.

De gemeente Rotterdam … onderhandelt momenteel met de bedrijven om ze te bewegen hun belofte toch nog na te komen. Juridisch hebben ze waarschijnlijk geen poot om op te staan,
omdat de CCS-eis geen onderdeel was van de milieuvergunning.