Tesla Semi Car Truck Concept

A Tesla Semi electric truck can tow about 80.000 lbs (pound). That is about 30 car weighs worth. In theory you could load 30 cars onto one Semi and haul it 500 miles or 800 km through Europe, which is about 1/3ths the way to Italy. A single car trailer only has a 5 car capacity, so you could tow about 5 of them behind one Semi, towing 25 cars. They would have baggage aboard of course.

You could use a small cabin right behind the semi as the passenger compartment. This would have to have 100 seats at least. You would get a road train that would stretch for at least 50 meters. But it would be efficient and bring people to their holiday destination with a lot less energy wasted than when they would drive their ICE cars.

It seems we’d need to design special trailers, because many assume to be single trailer situations..

The emissions from trucks are 20% of total emissions, and they are very dirty. It is thus very important to replace those trucks with electric vehicles

So one trailer for people, 5 for cars, regular stops every 3 hours or so, charging near Turin or Switzerland (hydropower?) and arriving in Italy, South of France or Spain safely and rested. Do we still need rail?

The War Between Villagers and City slickers

Wait, what? Another war? We don’t need another war! This may be your first response to the title above. That title is however more the core of many of today’s cultural conflicts, and I will try to defend that view in a few paragraphs below..

Villages are small, by definition, people know each other, the pace is not very fast, there is a language everyone speaks, there are annual festivities everyone attends or is part of. You can go to France or Belgium or Holland and find many towns, villages which still have this tradition. The people often need each other to make the situation work. This creates a mentality and a culture that is usually more uniform, and you are expected to join in or be an outcast, which is an untenable situation in a small community. The principle is “We are all the same, we follow the same rules”. In the towns around Paris you find the same people in the cafe in the morning to get a cup of coffee, they then go do their farmer jobs. In other places community is sought in the evening. This is still happening all over the world. If you want to break down the mentality it is:

  • We are all the same
  • We follow one set of rules
  • We don’t like people that deviate
  • Together we make the village work

When life is very practical, when it just consists of work needing to be done, all very obvious, which is the farmers life mostly, then if you talk about anything else you must be confused or lazy or trying to take a break or something. This is a gross simplification, but this logic is also found in companies which cultivate the same mentality. It is also found in religions.

Cities are different. They are too big to create a stable community. You live in a place that is quite anonymous, its rented or bought but then the doors look much the same. If you go out into the street there are masses of people that you don’t know and you have no interest in. You compete for jobs, opportunities, you don’t care if others behave differently. In cities there are many that have created a community, but it is more vitual. So a religious group has a church, they come together there, that’s where they are the village, and there they find their equals and live by the rules. Others go to cafe’s or music venues to find their ‘kin’, and one person can be part of many ‘villages’ at the same time. Say a student that is part of a band and also plays basketbal is part of several disjoint groups, where each have completely different mentality and priorities.

Its not to say a person in a village can’t be part of different subgroups as well, but its all a bit more stale and he/she will be known in all groups.

My thought is that we constantly have wars between villagers and city dwellers. We constantly see a group of people that says “We are all the same” and then another group that says “Nope, I am different and like to stay that way”. You could say Putin likes his country to be a uniform village, but Ukraine is not interested, it likes to be part of the pluriform West.

The division occured to me when I contemplated religions. Some have come from a desire to be uniform, others from a desire to make a pluriform society work. If you want to have a uniform society you punish people for deviating. If you want to make a pluriform society work you don’t. Older religions are village religions, they developed before big cities existed. I would say the innovation of Christianity, to not be super judgemental all the time, but to forgive could be seen as an innovation, even though the cities where not big at the time.

Every time you hear a person say “we have to treat xyz this way and no other” and its about some issue in society, its a group that has created an internal village dynamic that has gone to war with the complexity of city life. The diversity of humanity and society in the world does not fit one size.

When protest broke out at Foxconn this week, I tweeted

“If China and Iran and Russia correct themselves and punish the abusers and allow the protesters to be heard they will evolve into better states. Nobody would have stolen from them, they would not be enslaved or servant of any other nation, they would simply be better.” (on Twitter)

Totalitarianism is the pinnacle of village mentality. One law, one behaviour, one leader, simplistic, unnecessary uniformity which evokes resistance that then needs to be suppressed. China is actively working on it with their social scoring, and I have written about how this will petrify China and make it incapable to come up with new ideas to deal with new challenges.

Luckily the Xi government relented somewhat. The way the Covid ‘police’ was charging in full protective gear with transparent shields like roman soldiers looked insane. The people where very honest and frankly sweet, saying they had born all the harsh measures. People burned in their homes because the Xi government sealed their doors with iron wire or by welding them shut. It is good the protest had effect.

As a city dweller I don’t care about much of what people do or say, but I do care about them if I can. I don’t expect anyone to tell me what is right or wrong or how I should behave, and I don’t tell anyone else (maybe my upstairs neighbor if he makes a lot of noise). It can go to the extreme, where people really don’t care for each other. I think that is a job for the local government to make a city work like a village just enough so people feel good, but not so much that they start telling others how to live.

Of course people like to be with like minded others, so that’s why they live in certain neighborhoods, suburbs, closed communities. The point I tried to make here is that its about one’s expectation of others. Some expect uniformity where its not necessary or logical out of mental habit. This drives resistance which is then seen as even a bigger problem. Of course a hard line villager knows that his/her way works and may not want to try anything else, or want others to try anything else. That is where the problem starts. There is more than one road to Rome.

If it comes to religion I think theres a benefit to the relatively mellow attitude of Christianity, but even that religion has been abused by totalitarian minds. In the US the intolerance towards female reproductive freedom is almost medieval. Where did it come from? From large uniform communities that do not care for people that deviate from their norm.

In the end there’s not much one can do about people so used to uniformity that they see it as the one right way to have a society. The only way to deal with it is get away from them or perhaps accept to change. With some religions accepting means giving up a lot. No religion has any fundamental right to determine how anyone lives, but sadly people will try to enforce indoctrination. The war will continue until there are either no more cities or only cities.

Een Oplossing Voor Gasbeving Schade?

Aardbevingen door aardgas winning hebben vele huizen in het Noorden van Nederland beschadigd, en dreigen dat met vele meer te doen. Mensen wachten eindeloos op geld om hun huis te versterken of willen gecompenseerd worden voor een door verzakking en barsten minder waardevol huis. Het blijkt moeilijk dit geld los te krijgen, er wordt steeds uitstel veroorzaakt.

Het werd gepresenteerd als dé methode die het tij zou keren: de dorpenaanpak. Maar het project kent een valse start. Waar vorige maand al bouwvakkers moesten werken, staat nu een gefrustreerde bewoner.” (bron)

Het werk dat gedaan moet worden is structureel herstel of versterking van hele dorpen, zoals bv. in de dorpen aanpak wordt beloofd. Dat kost veel mankracht, veel energie, machines enz. Bouwers zijn ondanks de Stikstof crisis erg schaars. Zelfs een loodgieter is haast niet te vinden. Dit kan oa komen door de grote toename van verhuur investeringen, die meestal gepaard gaan met renovaties. Dit maakt de markt een lastige plek om stabiel bouw projecten te organiseren.

Wat een beter idee is is om te zorgen dat de kosten van de reparaties en versterkingen worden gedekt door energie opbrengsten. Dit kan bv. door een deel van een windpark te kopen, of een zonneweide of drijvend zonnepark aan te leggen (hint : De MarkermeerZonnecentrale.nl). De bewoners van het getroffen gebied kunnen ook zelf meer energie opwekken, uit het budget bedoelt om de schade te herstellen.

Door dat te doen kunnen de kosten van jaren lange werkzaamheden gedekt worden. Er zou een speciaal bedrijf kunnen worden opgericht, waar de energie inkomsten instromen, en die de werkzaamheden uitvoert.

Er zijn tegenwoordig electrische graafmachines en heimachines, pompen en hydraulische stutten enz. Die zijn veel efficienter dan de diesel variant, dus voor hetzelfde energie budget kun je veel meer doen. De mensen die het werk uitvoeren kunnen net zoals wanneer voor de BAM werken of Rijkswaterstaat bij wegen aanleg continu doorwerken aan verschillende woningen in verschillende stadia van herstel.

Het hele proces zou een oefening in duurzaamheid gemaakt moeten worden. Cement kan worden gerecycled bv. bakstenen, zandgrond. Zoveel mogelijk moet lokaal gedaan worden, zo min mogelijk op de kapitaal intensieve manier die het vaak deed lijken dat een project meer voor de brandstof omzet werd uitgevoerd dan voor het resultaat.

Waar energie nodig is, ook bv de energie die de werkers zelf thuis nodig hebben om er warm bij te zitten, moet die zoveel mogelijk worden opgewekt en niet uit fossiel gas, olie of hout stook in centrales komen. Zo blijft zelfs als de herstel werkzaamheden klaar zijn, de capaciteit over om nog meer werk te verzetten tegen zeer lage kosten.

Is Gender Fluidity a result of Environmental Toxins

It seems likely. There’s several studies

An endocrine disrupting chemical, bisphenol A: could it be associated with sex differentiation in brain regarding to transsexuality?”

Transsexuality presume a combination of a genetic background and an early effect on interaction of sex hormones with developing brain during critical foetal period. We hypothesize that exposure to BPA may be a cause for transsexualism.

Gestational exposure to phthalates and gender-related play behaviors in 8-year-old children: an observational study

Higher maternal urinary MEP concentrations during pregnancy were associated with more typical gender-related play behaviors in both males and females, and increased urinary MiBP concentrations were associated with less masculine gender-related play behaviors in males. (more female?)

Teen hormones being altered by gender-bending chemicals

Members of the ECA committee warned that BPA can disrupt the body’s endocrine system, which is the collection of glands that produce hormones.

Maternal bisphenol A (BPA) decreases attractiveness of male offspring

Authors show that maternal consumption of low levels of dietary BPA renders male offspring at a disadvantage for mating, not only because of poorer spatial navigation and greater anxiety-like behavior but also because they are less attractive to female conspecifics

There are many more studies on relationships between endocrine disruptors, fertility, vaginal cancer, diabetes, its all bad.

Ammonia to Replace Diesel

Diesel is in short supply, maybe because of the war of Russia against Ukraine, maybe because of failing refineries or logistic issues. Its a horrible fuel, incredible that it is being used without adequate treatment of exhaust fumes in many countries. The soot and praticles enter the bloodstream and damage the brain and heart. Time to replace it.

For decades people have been suggesting to use Ammonia or NH3 as a replacement for diesel. It burns cleaner into H2O and N2, with a tiny fraction of NOx, but not more than diesel (because its a matter of temperature not fuel). Diesel is burned in air, so N2 + O2 + Ar etc. and in the heat some of the O2 reacts with N2 into NOx. To clean diesel exhauset from NOx though ammonia is often used.

You can make ammonia with wind turbines and other electricity sources. Its been done by farmers in the US, but it was shut down because of the eternal fight for cashflow : Banks did not like to lose the sales of gas based fertilizer (Ammonia). Now is a great time to restart the production. The return on investment energy wise can be huge. Of course the fact it makes farmers independent, it gives them fertilizer and a source of income, will be a problem, banks like to remain on top.

Diesel and ammonia are so close in combustibility diesel engines can run on it without much trouble. You do need a different LPG style fuel tank. Its called hydrofuel.

You could say “this is dangerous, it can’t be done” but it has been done. It is less dangerous to burn ammonia, as it doesn’t burn as easy, it is not toxic like fossil fuels (which are solvents of our nervous system). Busses and cars have run on it. You can always put in in a fuelcell (split off the H2 first). It is such a good idea that some have been promoting the entire economy run on ammonia.

Capitalism is Fascism

How capitalism is fascism

Not much to add really, just that this has been my take for a long time : Capitalism is slave driving, it protects itself by keeping people poor.

Capitalism creates consumers, expels the worker as a source of value..

The Tesla Stock, What is it?

Tesla is now a huge deal in the world, and its stock $tsla is now a topic of constant debate. The current documentary on Elon Musks rise is worth watching as a background. What we have here is an individual that with luck, courage and ingenuity is creating the world he has dreamed of.

Now the stock, NYSE:TSLA what is it? Because it never adheres to valuations and all kind of things are said about it. Some are pure bulls (Gary Black, Value Analyst), some are pure bears (Michael Burry), there’s TeslaQ, which is a group of short sellers where notably Bill Gates is a member of. As I will explain in the next paragraphs, all this pushing and pulling should give you an idea about what determines the valuation of $tsla at the moment.

What is a stock? Its a certificate of co-ownership of a company (officially). The influence of a stock/share holder may vary, at Tesla sharholder meetings shareholders get to make proposals and decisions, so Tesla shareholder status is a real thing you buy when you buy $tsla. However this is not the main focus of shareholders, it mainly is the stock price, its value.

Early investors are people that want the company to exist and be able to grow. This requires both risk taking and understanding what a company tries to achieve. You can get burned, some companies are fundamentally dishonest

The value of a stock depends on how much people want to own it and how much money these people have. If you double the money supply, you double stock prices eventually (this is the reason stocks and home prices always go up : constant inflation). But the real question here is : Is there a hard value in owning a stock. My answer is that if the stock does not pay dividend the intrinsic value of it is zero.

Stocks have a crypto phase

If a company issues stock and it does not lose control over itself in the process, the money the stock was sold for is now owned by the company to work with. If the company does not need any more money to operate, that is it. Why would you own the stock? No reason. Why would it become more valuable? No reason. It is what it is, a certificate of co-ownership.

Even if the company doubles in size, if it tripples its sales, if it does not need anything from stockholders (because it is profitable) the stockholders are to be thanked for their contribution. The stock can basically sink to zero. There is no future dynamic in it. Why would you own an empty box?

A value analysis by Gary Black, it shows ‘compression’ and large ‘upside’. This is for now only speculative, meaning if you want to invest because if it, it becomes an upside, if you don’t, it doesn’t.

There have been cases of non-existent company stock being traded on the NYSE, which where eventually canceled and the people responsible fined (a tiny bit). If a stock does not do anything else but be listed on the exchange then it is very similar to crypto currencies. Tesla stock was until recently still in its pure ‘crypto-phase’, and this is very honestly admitted by its status until recently of ‘junk stock’. Now moving forward I expect things to change, maybe in ways that will make it make more sense to own it.

Dividend turns a stock into an interest carrying ‘loan’

First of all the stock should pay dividend. This turns it into a kind of direct loan to Tesla. Dividend is not liked a lot because it is taxed in most countries. However it turns crypto-$tsla into Dollar-$tsla even if the dividend is tiny. This would also inform people because you would be able to say ‘revenues grew by 50% so the dividend also grew by 50%’ even if the dividend is actually only 1% of renevue and each shareholder gets $0.0004269 per share per year. Less information is lost in the ‘database transactions’.

Paying dividend is the only real thing Tesla can do in the common repertoire (afaik). In reality though it can do more. This is because people want to own Tesla for speculative reasons. With the changes underway (global fossil energy cuts) there is another selling point for Tesla : It will persist. In other words, whereas GM or F can just suddenly fold, Tesla won’t. And whereas the USD can just inflate itself into oblivion, TSLA will ride that inflation from top to bottom, and even when there’s a new replacement currency. This is one of the reasons why people buy the stock, because they know it will be around. The more it will be around, the more they like the stock.

Tesla is working to create the Roboeconomy.com

In this respect Tesla has a lot to offer, solar, cars, robots, autonomous driving software, compute hardware. It will be around. The other companies of the S&P 500 may or may not thrive in the world we are moving into, the Roboeconomy.com, the solar and wind powered, AI driven, robotics exploiting world. Many companies do not belong in the Roboeconomy. To give an example :

Say you have solar and batteries and all processes that feed you and make your home comfortable and move you around are electrified. Say that electricity is traded in a currency called the JouleCurrency.org (which allows you to shift electric energy from solar power plants to batteries near production facilities) and you are one of the people maintaining the system, or you own it because Tesla gave its stock owners ownership of the assets of its utility branch (which it has). Then for living your life, you don’t need banks. You have a currency, but it is your own, it is generated by the solar power plant you own. For you none of the banks in the S&P 500 matter anymore.

Now as far as I understand Tesla is working on this, because it makes sense. We have such a system at the moment, only we mentally separate the banks from the fossil fuel companies, because we are easily fooled. If Tesla would announce that stock holders would receive ownership of fruits of its energy assets this would of course be a great reason to own the stock. Right now though the energy is still sold in the fossil economic system, where fossil banks put heavy debt on any asset because they supply the fossil credit (the fossil energy) used to create them. This will stop once Tesla (or a similar company) can produce batteries, solar panels etc. using only its own renewable energy sources.

I may make a list of all S&P 500 companies and their Roboeconomic potential. Many have none, they will disappear. For now the potential of the Tesla company is amazing, mind blowing. But this does not mean the stock has to be stellar, because there is no intrinsic value link between the stock and what the company does. It would be nice if a link was created. This is what I have been advising for crypto since the beginning (12 years ago), tie it to a real world value. But it may well be Tesla will issue its own energy credit soon, and this will mean war with the Federal Reserve and other banks, and this is the main reason Tesla gets dumped on in the media almost non-stop. This is the reason why hard line pessimists like Bill Gates short the stock.

The best way to fight this at the moment is to enable companies like Tesla, ones that bring about the Roboeconomy.com, bear their sell off to finance things, and then when people start running from other stocks (who may also pay no dividend) into Tesla and companies like it around the world, the stock will appreciate. Better still on a personal level (as stocks are often thought of as a way to secure your existence when you can’t work anymore) is to make sure that where you live, all energy is renewable, storage is available, laws help you develop other solutions, and banks rendered powerless (don’t go into debt!).

There will always be countries

What makes countries?

I’m dutch. The dutch provinces became a country when the noblemen ruling them (with force) decided they did not want to pay VAT to Spain anymore. That decision was forced when the spanish local authority wanted to have actual VAT per province and city, instead of an estimated amount. Basically the dutch traders grew tired of the meddling.

Now there where those that kept order and those that traded, and one protected the other to create a wealth creating society of individuals, of course with all kinds of things wrong. At that time you could not survive without being usefull or trying to ply a trade. After the spanish authorities beheaded the first group to complain about the VAT tax (after first conversing and spending an evening playing cards), the people that did not stick their neck out the first time became more important, notably William the Silent.

Now the only thing William did really was give permission to fight the spanish. This meant 80 years of fighting, on and off, which ended when the spanish ran out of gold to pay their mercenaries. Simple lesson learned : Don’t try to exploit far of countries. Stick to your own turf. Of course this is not the mentality you get if you can beat people with a sword, then the dynamic becomes one of the served and the servant, the exploiter and the exploited. Now the history of the creation of the Netherlands is much more complicated and interesting than the above, but it basically was the creation of a society where the fruits of labor where enjoyed mainly by those in that society, not by some foreign entity.

This is what a country is : A group of people that prefer to help each other over helping the people outside the country. It is a wealth creation community, where its much easier to create wealth within than between, mainly because of distance, custom and language differences. The creation of Holland was a decidedly econonomic event.

When we consider the dutch colonies abroad, discovered in the so called golden era of the VOC or “United East India Company” (the first company which issued stock?) You again see the combination of force + economic incentive = country. These ships going to get spice in the East where fighting, not only the natives but also the other countries there, the Portugese, the English, the French (I assume). At some point the dutch ruler gave permission to use the dutch army in those fights. That’s how Holland gained its colonies.

The point I am obviously trying to make is that countries are shaped by entrepeneurs, that want to get something out of them, and then organize so there’s some fighting force to define the limits of who owns what. This is greed, indeed because the dutch had food and shelter and heating (peat) and windmills and a fishing fleet. You could say this is a secondary way to create a nation, because the first way is when you manage to hold of marauders through cunning, force and superior weapons.

What maintains countries?

Now we’re in 2022 and our world looks like a bunch of frogs in a wheelbarrow, everyone is trying things now that NATO is at war with Russia over the ‘sovereignty’ of Ukraine. We can all see there’s a larger agenda at stake, although one has to wonder who’s agenda is prevailing. The desire of NATO is of course to have no significant enemy in Russia. To have no nuclear threat from Moscow. But NATO is a bunch of countries, can we even identify the true motivation for the people of these countries (except Ukraine) to fight? Nope it is dictated by a strategic advantage that can be achieved. So it seems at least.

Putin is trying to reinstate a geographical entity who’s entrepreneurial support has disappeared, who’s history was written with force over reason, in short, he is not going to manage to make a country out of Russia + Ukraine

The borders of countries are hardly defined by commercial considerations anymore. It is totally irrelevant if Greece has a border somewhere if Canada just mines gold there and exports it without giving Greece much of a cut. Borders don’t matter to Gaza if Isreal drills for its gas, or Turkey drills for Kurdish gas. Who cares really what happens in Saudi Arabia as long as the country keeps exporting oil? Why did Holland have to be in Indonesia as long as Shell kept exporting its oil to the world (so it cleaned up a little and ceeded the country (to the US its of course more complicated))? No countries needed if you can do all the trade you want. This is why globalism and nationalism are more or less opposed.

Nationalism is when people realize they are taken advantage off and they start to define a territory from which whatever resource can no longer be freely exported. This is happening with some african countries at the moment. Globalism is the philosophy that the only thing that counts is trade, not people. The extreme of globalism is that the world has no countries, the extreme of nationalism is that each house has its gun.

There needs to be a balance between globalism and nationalism because if you don’t protect your property, resources, women, land, against some foreigner who does not care about your life, you will be living in misery for its short and painfull duration. Globalists of course hide in castle cities, far from the pain they require for their existence. Many have no awareness at all of what they cause. They are the pinnacle of human achievement, like miracles sipping latte and doing pilates. That image of women may be an actual icon, like a religious icon, to the ultimate achievement.

Now as long as a country has enough military force, it can maintain ‘trade relations’ and worship its iconic consumer population. That population is not dying in the trenches, not being pushed from one refugee camp to the next. It goal is to enact the village community, feeling peaceful and at peace in the environment created. The perfect place, “the shining city on the hill”. The violence is elsewhere and continuous. The violence is done by traders and manufacturers, because of that dream city.

To carry it a bit further, the above image of the Friends cafe could be considered as the ultimate icon of western consumerism with widespread consequences for the entire planet. Not that the same type of social dynamic couldn’t occur without it, but it was the total self obsession while ignoring all the processes that had to happen to make it possible.

Countries fall apart?

You could say that the desire to create the above image of life which is strongly at odds with running an exploitative global economy still kept that process going. It was leveraged to make it possible. Things where not for free, had to be specific, where always changing, so that you never had what you where being told you needed. The belief you had to conform to some public norm itself was a major driver of the economy, which is why you are told it is important to always look at other people. Nobody can ever achieve the norm, unless your job in life is to advertise it. Creating a craving to strive for a lifestyle you can only achieve by heavy consumerism drives our economies.

This funds our militaries and keeps our borders water tight and at the same time completely open to globalists. Borders could just shift if it did not affect any trade. Also the removal of a major trade can destroy a country. Take Russia, the modern lifestyle and vibrant economy that was growing there was mainly happening to justify oil and gas exports. Now that there’s some problems there, you can expect the country to be struggling and the use of a latte sipping elite luring people to the country is to be strongly diminished. Will they ever return? They will if Russia makes itself something to fight for.

New Countries?

If the dynamic of a country is the organization of force to secure a trade advantage (another way of saying ‘taking advantage by force’) it doesn’t sound very positive. But if it would be the organization of force to defend a self sustaining community against degradation or exploitation it does. Modern countries are all about the exploiting some trade advantages, and even if they where destroyed or split up they would reemerge due to the desire to organize and attain that same trade advantage again. However because of the enormous hassle of reorganizing after a war, most countries make sure there’s no reason and no possibility for regions to split (like for example oil rich Kurish Iraq splitting from Iraq).

“Negative countries” are regions that nobody wants, larger parts of the world are now negative countries, but will be viable with the help of renewable energy

Nationalism is really a way to strengthen the resolve of a country to keep itself together usually on entirely useless grounds like language, culture, religion. You can be sure if you are a soldier called up to protect your country that you are being used by commercial interests (Russia). If what you hold dear is really threatened, nobody will have to ask you to fight (Ukraine). The exploiting (usually industrialist) have to make you focus on hating something, or you will become aware there’s something to gain, and wonder why you don’t partake in those spoils..

Nationalism and Patriotism are forms of madness. Asserting ownership and forcing others to respect it is not madness, especially if you are not hoarding an existentially important resource

Following the above logic a new country can only be created if there’s a way to justify and fund force. Only if the country the region is now part of is consistently mistreating or under rewarding the people in the region can there be a motivation to separate and form a new country. Of course force needs to be build up before a region can assert itself. Regions like that today that come to mind are Catalonia, the high North of Holland, although that has very little chance of being able to assert independence. It seems ‘independence’ ultimately means ‘in control of local resources’. Saudi Arabia is asserting its independence versus the USA at the moment.

The bigger the country and the more uneven the distribution of resources, the bigger the chance of fragmentation. Russia is likely to split up if it is unable to keep all regions under forced or cooperative control (probably forced). The same goes for all other large countries. I think it is best to already have semi autonoumous states or provinces, and better to recognize regions so that any non-sharing impulse of one can be neutralized by a positive response (sharing of resources). This is much smarter than to strengthen any abusive relationship. This is what the globalists try to achieve to some extend, mainly by distribution of fossil credit. The distribution of renewable energy sources can have a similar dynamic.

In the end I don’t believe there are countries without a purpose, and new ones will be formed every time some imbalance or opportunity develops. Globalist nor nationalist can stop this dynamic, they can only be the ones we identify as battling against the tides of human greed and time..


It seems the expectation of the fossil industry before was total collapse of cililixstion due to climate change and fossil fuel shortages some time around 2030. This now seems to be cut short because there is a real drive to reduce fossil fuel dependence. Liz Truss just kicked out of Nr. 10 Downing Street, Putin in hot water, NordStream cut, Saudi Arabia is cutting US supplies, economies are throttling down. Flights are reduced. This is all very necessary.

To deal with the real challenge we have to look at our ‘solar intake’ (what amount of solar energy we keep on Earth, which depends on the reflection of light also called the Albedo). Today we absorb too much, we radiate less because of greenhouse gasses. This results in ocean temperatures rising, and this in turn means air temperatures will rise.

Gobal ocean heat content

The above graph shows what’s going on. The heat content of our oceans is rising, and this is not good. In the past the oceans have stratified (hot layer on top of cold layer) and this locked nutrients in down below, and this meant no life in the oceans except near the coasts, where mixing could take place and iron provided oxygen (with or without life). But before this phase was reached the oceans became highly toxic, as all the oxygen was lost and anoxic organic processes took hold, like which happen in a swamp. At the end of the Permian era this led to the biggest extinction in the oceans AND on land, because the toxic gas H2S was released that blew over land. Oxygen breathing species can’t survive high H2S concentrations. Besides the oxygen production slowed down significiantly.

also read Glass to Fast-Track Hyperloop

So we need to go to work to keep our oceans alive and oxygenated. This is no mean task if it can be accomplished. Physically though it can be done. The energy is there, all the materials we need are there. Water, carbon, nitrogen, we can make all the polymers needed for floating structures. We can grow crops on them, if we need silica we can get it easily. Also salt water concrete is super strong, so this might help us..What I am talking about is a base in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

5,5 thousand kilometer

There has to be one soon, because we will want to fly electrically, or use hyperloop for transatlantic travel, This is only possible using waystations at first, so we will need a couple of floating islands at sea. The MidAtlantic is interesting because it has a ridge, the dept is less, there are even islands.

The kind of transportation modes are flying, but that will be limited to propellor engines, which are rather slow. Then there’s hyperloop, then there’s ground effect aircraft. All will need charging. Now the reach of the longest range airplane is 500 km, which would mean 6 landing to recharge on the route to New York as the shortest route would be around 3000 km over water.

7 stations on regular distances on the direct route between Europe and New York

The ocean is super violent, and storms are getting more violent, but can’t human build something that is big and heavy and can turn the ocean into a workable environement, an airport even? I think we can. These basis can then also be used to do things like generate oxygen and insert it into the deep ocean. The more we use the ocean, the more we cover it, the more we protect it against warming. Even if it is rediculously large, it is time for humanity to venture into this space.

The Tesla World Bank

For more than 10 years I have been tryin to draw attention to the role of our fiancial system in the obstruction of our move to renewables. What is more logical than living off energy that is free, local, you can own, a lot like land when most of the people where farmers. But of course this would reduce the profit and power of banks, because where does their power come from? It comes from the fact we can buy fossil fuel with our money.

To repeat my story, the oil producer has a challenge, he has black oily stuff, which is toxic, and not much else, and people could use the oily stuff to make things and do things, but they don’t have it. In the beginning oil was payed for with silver and gold, but that didn’t work because it got burned, used and the amount of gold and silver limited access to more oil. This was solved by leaving the gold standard. Banks played a crucial role in the distribution of oil and derivatives of oil, gas, electricity until today, and they like it.

Oil, gas, diesel, coal are all energy sources that are their own storage medium. Banks that can print money when they want (they have to write a promise to recoup it, a lot of work!) can thus release energy to the working population to use, at will. This is what gives banks power. No use to give a truck driver in France 1000 Euro now that there’s no diesel for sale. He can’t even buy a sandwich with it, because the sandwich shop wasn’t supplied! Europe is seeing energy price increases because there is less energy. The value of the Euro is demonstratively tied to the energy supply. Right now our bank serving governments largely want to shift blame, delay, make people suffer rather than make them choose renewables over fossil. The UK is a great example : Ex Shell economist Liz Truss seems to want to ban construction of solar farms on farmland, even though its a really good combination.

So what does this have to do with Tesla and/or even a world bank? The Roboeconomy is an economy powered by renewable energy, using artificial intelligence and robots. Because of this combination you could say all manufacturing behaves the same as crops growing in a field, it does not need any depletable energy source. Robots can of course build robots and man chip fabs and mines and trucks which can all be electric, solar , wind or wave powered. Because there is no bank involved there is no pressure to do a lot of nonsense we are doing now, instead we can focus on what improves our lives and the wellbeing of our planet.

The central question to ask when moving to a renewable energy powered, AI driven society is

“Will we all be out of a job, poor, as machines make take all our jobs, or will we be able to enjoy the products of these machines for free?”

The answer is the latter, as long as we make sure we or a public utility own the energy sources. The people that like money dependent slaves (banks) don’t like this at all!

Money will still exist in the Roboeconomy, because it is a good way to find out what people want, because it can smooth out timing issues and because resources need to be shared equally. So a basic income is a given, as if we all lived on land that not only produced our food, but also all the stuff we may like. Jobs would also still exist, but they would be the nice ones, the creative ones. We would (if we weed out the deranged despots) end up in a Garden of Eden, with at least a lot of freedom, more social life. The fossil economy is quite the opposite because it maximizes our needs.

How will Tesla become the leader in spreading the Roboeconomy? By supplying batteries, solar panels and AI systems. Tesla is a utility in the US now. It can direct electricity from powerwalls in a neighborhood onto the grid, towards charging or a place where wealth is produced (a pizzeria). This ability will grow, and of course also be grown by the exiting utilities, while being fought by them at the same time, and the result will be a still $ denominated open energy market where everyone shares and trades energy.

Eventually though everyone will increase their ownership of the energy sources, prices will drop for every part of such system, and the pizzeria will own its own storage, solar supply will become a public service, from roofs or fields. The reason wind farms are no being build out at sea is not only because the wind is stronger there, but also because you need to go through the good old banks to buy that energy. Central distribution is the old model.

So in the future we will have an app or a service we can talk to that keeps track of our energy reserves, we don’t need to talk about money anymore, although it does take some trickery, there needs to be a map showing your access to energy in every place. With our current money its hidden or ignored. So if I buy electricity 1 in 16 power plants runs to make up for the distance losses, I never notice. If I walk in the desert by Jericho, my Shekels are worthless : Nothing for sale there! We barely notice that our money is useless in most of our world, simply because we never go there.

I expect Elon Musk to add payment to his Twitter app and allow people to monitor their energy account through it, which would open up the option to invest in storage elsewhere to profit from its use and at the same time use it yourself to direct (mainly) vital energy to the production of wealth.

The Energy App

The App Tesla will build is not that complex, it just needs to know how to route power to storage owned by the person you are transacting with form a storage that you have your energy stored in. You may also be able to buy/own future energy output from energy sources. This means you can buy stored energy now from storage you hand over that future energy input to. The question will be though : Why would an energy producers give you that right. What could you give them. This is the same with oil today :Why would you be able to buy oil with money, if everything is made with oil (as a placeholder for fossil fuels in general)? This is why these sources will eventually all be government owned utilities. Either that or they will be owned by Tesla, a company that can use its robots and solar input to maintain the system at zero cost to anyone, and give away the energy into the distributive Roboeconomy.com.

Maybe it will be more about social responsibility. The norms will change, maybe there will still be people wanting to shoot each other, they can find a place to do that, as is the case now. Humans will remain humans. The super high strung work ethic forced by the banks (who increase the cost and price of everything) will not be prevalent, but some people will still want to fix the most pressing problems. Maybe a simulation can already be made of the mechanism, to be continued..