Nitrogen, its the common name for several nitrogen compounds used in farming. Ammonium Nitrate is one of them. There’s a whole discussion going on about the massive release of ammonia by intensive farm animals, as the cows and pigs break down protein (nitrogen compounds) and release urea (CO(NH₂)₂), into the environment. This overnourishes plants and poisons the ground water.
Hiding in all this obfuscating language is energy, a hydrogen based fuel, ammonia NH3, a powdered fuel (fertilizer) all because the banks want to keep profiting of the cashflow of fertilizer generation from natural gas, because they like the cashflow from Soy shipment from brazil, because they like the cashflow from meat production in Holland, even though we export 6 out of 7 kilo of meat we produce.
To make sure the urea doesn’t get reused its mixed with manure, to create ‘digistaat’ a very wet manure that is then put into biogas reactors where it functions in another cashflow charade : Making methane from manure. This is not happening in those biogas tanks, what is happening is the digestion of sugar in both manure and a large quantity of added biomass. ‘Over production’ of the intensive farming industry, white listed to be added. The sugar is turned into methane, the methane can be turned into fertilizer. I have called this the revalorization of methane. But the overproduction is done for the pleasure of BANKS.
Because most crops are grown to feed cattle, we can identify a pyramid of dependency where the intensive crop farming will defend itself against becoming more organic because it is necessary for the meat industry, but all the while the driving force is the cashflow and gas consumption the methods of farming and system of increasing the value of crops by turning them into meat creates. The valuable urea is meanwhile dumped in the ground water and an environmental and health hazard to people. Screw people! Cashflow is more important!
Now we have a diesel shortage. It turns out that both urea and fertilizer are essentialy hydrogen fuels. The are Nitrogen/Hydrogen compounds. Ammonia burns a lot like diesel, you can use it as fuel almost without changes to the engine. What about fertilizer?
“Cars already on the road can use ammonia as an additive without modification (up to 10%) and flex cars could be, according to Fleming, easily modified to use ammonia in conjunction with ethanol, allowing for a mixture of 85% ammonia.” (source)
I have not tried it but I would think you can just add ammonium nitrate to gasoline. According to the chemical formula it will not combust or explode on its own. We all know it likes to explode, so does gasoline. An engine is the perfect place to explode fertilizer!
2NH4NO3 + 3C7H16 + 14O2 —> 2N2O + 6H2O + 7CO2 + 16H2
(source GPT3, of course this needs to be verified to be sure)
I wonder if anyone tried this. Ammonia does not burn as easy as gasoline, but maybe in the mix it does. If you know anyone that has tried this or wants to try it, let me know!