
Albedo Enhancement

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Bright White Ceramic Cools Buildings By Reflecting 99.6% of Light

Making Higly Reflective Paint

Spaceflakes to shield Earth

Increasing Local Albedo Part I

Calculating Albedo

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More on Calculating Albedo Effect

Corrugated Roof0.1-0.15
Cirrus cloud0.2
Thunder cloud (cumulonimbus)0.8
Altostratus cloud0.35
Stratus cloud0.4
Polished aluminium0.99
Desert sand0.4
white gypsum0.85
Special polymer paint0.98
Special foams0.75
Different materials have different albedo. Some specialized materials have been developed. Silver mirrors are most reflective.

Now that the CO2 concentration is rising, the atmosphere is not letting as much heat radiate out to space as it used to, and this is changing climate. By enhancing Albedo we can help Earth shed the heat it is accumulating. This is very important for life, especially of plants, that we need to capture back the CO2.

If we work around the world to increase Albedo where we are we can regain control over our environment, and cool it down to where it can both produce food and capture CO2. This website is to help you find the best way where you are. There are new materials with 95%+ reflectance, and we hope we can make those widely available or instruct you how to maximize the effectiveness of the materials you use. The important thing is to start looking for opportunities to use white surfaces, because they also save a lot of aircondioning emissions.

“An experiment conducted in western Athens found that brightening of asphalt and concrete pavements reduced ambient temperature by 7.5 degrees and 6.1 degrees Celsius respectively.” (link)

A NASA analysis of the albedo of Earth without clouds. Its 0.3 on average. Oceans have really low albedo, and thus there is massive potential to reduce warming.

“A recent study in Los Angeles County analyzed the energy savings of modestly increasing roof albedo, finding that this could produce savings from reduced energy use of 23% to 40%, making cool roofs a financially attractive option.”

Source The performances show that the bilayer paint design can achieve both color and efficient radiative cooling in a simple, inexpensive, and scalable manner.

How to calculate Albedo

Patent for highly reflective polymer 1

Patent for highly reflective polymer 2

Chapter on Albedo Enhancement Techniques