Gaschamber America, Earth

What does it mean if a group of people decides to put gasses in the air you breath thereby reducing your lifespan? Obama ‘caves’ on EPA emssion regulations, under pressure from the Industry. Of course there is only one side that can really excert pressure in such a debate, the industrial side. ‘Caving’ is also a well chosen word, because something that caves in usually is hard to restore (like a collapsed tunnel). This word is chosen to tell you the fight for your health is over. It is never over. It should start now. 

Stuff burns, the biggest moron gets that, so the biggest morons are in charge. 

THe picture above is that of an industry that has death written all over it. It sells the remnants of dead plants for you to burn or to be burned in ‘your name’. Butbecause there are alternatives that could be much more agressivly implemented which also make mucch better economical sense this industry has turned violent, mercyless and unrelenting in it’s efforts to run the biggest gas chamber since WW II, our atmosphere. They force more CO2 in it, more NOx, Take away the oxygen, add methane in a runaway global warming frenzy that has historically ended in mass extinctions of all life. So their power is like that of those running a death camp. Their action is like that of the nazi’s in auschwitz. They put gas in our atmosphere while we want them to stop because it is killing us. If the decision by Obama stands it’s only temporarily.

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