Solar On The Stock Market..

Solar One went to the stock market recently. I had my doubts about it. The stock market in the US is under control of banks that are dead set against renewables, companies like JP Morgan. Stock price manipulation is baked into the cake due to the existence of high frequency trading algorithms. These are computers that ‘flash’ prices on a millisecond timeframe without buying or selling, thus creating the illusion that there is demand, or that people are dumping a stock. More than 70% of stock market transactions are now algotithmic. Banks earn a lot (Goldman Sachs steals $100 mln each day). Who wants to be listed in such an environment? How is it going to treat a manufacturer of ownable energy sources (outsifde the fossiel fuel stream control)  

"The markets did not like First Solar’s earnings news one bit. It’s not as if the solar sector as a whole is being celebrated by the stock market, but First Solar got taken down a notch after announcing its second-quarter results. "

The market is more than 70% banks. The banks depend on fossil fuel dominance so they can invest in expensive exploration (read create money to buy assets based on future revenues). They don’t want solar power plants or PV manufacturers. Except when they own them maybe. If you like renewables then forget financials. The financial system is not capable of driving renewables. It does not want to, except in rare cases, like the $105 for PV investment loans Citi decided to grant. Besides, who is making life hard for PV with bloom boxes and shale gas and tar sands..Those are listed companies with a lot more capital. Besides, if you take a stock down you can earn on shorts. For the stock market a company is like a racehorse. It’s fun to race and when the mood swings it can be pretty tasty to take it apart. 

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