Roboeconomics Approach to Ecorestauration

The Roboeconomy is an economy adapted to both robotics and renewables. Today’s economy isn’t because the bankingsystem depends heavily on it’s ability to grant access to fossil fuel (stored energy) when they create credit, and industrial use of robots push people out of a job, as if production is not happening to serve the worker. In short, if the latter was the case then if all jobs would be automated nobody would have a job, or income to buy any of the products.

Renewables  + Automated systems = Infinite ability to survive and restore nature

The roboeconomy solves these two problems by applying renewables to create abundant resources that can be distributed through a basic income. It also aknowledges that now, with renewables any place on Earth that has enough renewable resources can become viable to live in. It also allows for the development (in terms of biomass, sylvopastural) of land that is uninhabited by people, out of reach of population centers, just because it can be done, and because it increases our evolutionary resilience.

We have places that are dry and barren, which don’t need to be. We have solar energy sources, we have drone technology for off road situations, drone digging equipment. We can thus remotely and automaticaly green our planet. The cost can be neutralized by making the system all renewables dependent, from steel mining, melting, maintenance to the semiconductors and satelites used.

Robotic excavator

  • Use global GIS data to find areas with sufficient precipitation
  • Map contours
  • Send solar drone diggers to dig contour trenches
  • Wait for one year of rain
  • Send solar drone tree planters to plant trees along the contours
    • Plant trees that are sure to survive but make the soil better suited to other life
  • Expand until the CO2 levels are back to where they where in 1850

A cooler robotic excavator

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