Oppertunistic Eco Restauration

While we babble on about what may be a threat, our ecosystem is devoured by a process that nobody dares or has the power to halt, the warming of our ocean and atmosphere. Whoever steps out of the artificial bubble of denial reduction and surprise projected suggested as the best mental performance by our media gasps for air at the enormity of the difference between allowed perception and reality.

People like to believe what makes them happy, not what keeps them safe

We know what will happen. We is the people that accept knowledge on an empircal basis without flinching or denying whatever frightens us. We know what will happen and have known for more than 100 years now. The facts are simple and understood, although many people even if they aknowlegde climate is changing and CO2 is the cause stop there.

  • The climate is changing and CO2 is the cause
  • The oceans are losing oxygen and warming and acidifying causing them to die
  • The energy now accumulating in our atmosphere is disturbing ozone layers and making weather unpredictable causing crops to fail
  • The methane, CO2 and other gasses stored in the warming oceans will gas out and add to the greenhouse effect
  • The oceans will turn toxic, start producing H2S and kill most land species as happened did several times before in Earths history, most notably at the end of the Permian Extinction
  • Most land species, plants and animals will go extinct, including unprotected humans 
  • Lester Brown, president of the Earth policy research centre in Washington, says that the climate is no longer reliable and the demands for food are growing so fast that a breakdown is inevitable, unless urgent action is taken.

  • All this is happening because we don’t stop our burning of carbon and hydrocarbons and we allow our actions to be controlled by the scarcity of these fuels, and our thoughts by politically motivated media

It is important to shift the mind to a situation that seems out of control, so that it is possible to think about what could be done in such a situation. It is likely the situation will become irratic. What to do if that happens?

As I write this, a predicted equatorial Pacific warm event (El Nino in ENSO terms) has unexpectedly paused. Or stopped. Or, perhaps even reversed? (bron)

Weather is important, the dry cold air means plants won’t grow, the resulting necessary culls of cattle barely reach the news. We are warned of a food crisis in 2013 by the UN, but we don’t care. Still the total reserves are shrinking, so one day there will be no reserves, and we will be at the mercy of the weather.

"The geopolitics of food is fast overshadowing the geopolitics of oil." (bron)


The battle is between those that exploit demand and those that try to eliminate it. People demand food, energy, a future, peace and a happy life. Those that exploit it will maintain and use these desires as an excuse to destroy, deplete and harm others. Those that want to eliminate them will work to reach a situation in which people can freely enjoy those things, in stability in ‘perpetuity’. 

We plead for extraeconomical initiatives to counter climate change 

ofwel Klimaat kolonisatie  and/or a new Economics called Roboeconomics

Eventhough the UN thinks water and food shortages will outweigh the threat of armed conflict and oil shortages, that does not answer the question how to respond when all goes to hell in a handbasket. Say the UK or the US and Russia are unabled to feed themself at the same time. It seems that only then will people consider making real provisions agains a lethal future.

The island of Bambooya can be created using Bamboo grown on the ocean using nutrients from the ocean.. 

We listed 23 Solutions on our alternative blog. Most notably are growing biomass up and in the oceans, and using glass to build the irrigation and other infrastructure in the desert regions. Both suggestions can not be obstructed. We need money though, about 10000 Euro to do a summers worth of testing and demoing. Help us or use the donate link!

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