
I am terrified of ‘my’ economy. I am petrified by its inertia, its floodgates of fossil credit that are wide open and that are driving constant destruction. When I look in my fridge I see what I need, I am sheltered against rain and wind in my home, I can sleep in peace, I don’t get mugged when I leave my front door. If I get sick there are doctors that can treat me. But at what cost?

Econofobia : Fear of the fossil-credit economy under bank control

The economy promises me opportunities that allow me to earn a living, and for the most part it does that. If there are none (they are hoarded by intermidiaries so hard to say how much there are), I am given a stipend to live off to keep me fit for some opportunity. But the opportunities terrify me. What am I to do, mow grass with a diesel lawnmower? Stuff boxes with plastic bottles? Build a website to sell more lawnchairs out of China?

How do you live in an economy that destroys your future? There is barely anything I can do that does not deteriorate my fate. If I drive my car I ruin the atmosphere, if I eat fish I ruin the oceans, If I surf the internet datacenters will waste a lot of energy, just for my pleasure. Everything is financialized and banks are major funders of polluting and destructive projects, in fact they eagerly drive new ones. Shell is building a plastic factory, entire new cities are planned just to move concrete and make their developers rich. Even if I bake pancakes I fund pesticide companies and big agro. It’s a nightmare and it is next to impossible to escape.

The way out is not that difficult, it is just not financialized, it is not supported by banks. So you can’t get people to cooperate with you as you can’t borrow money to buy their cooperation. Banks constantly keep everyone on their toes so they try to make as much money as possible, as much profit as possible. All very damaging to the point that hope is quickly evaporating.

It seems a starting point to really get out of this rut is to organize and create some kind of trading union of sorts. Of course this is supposed to be with people who do not wish to participate in the dangerous economy as well, so these need to be landowenrs who can offset their cost with produce in a reliable way. People without debt who own their homes. It seems a basic condition is that you do not have financial liabilities or can neutralize them reliably.

Banks will immediately start to fight any substantial attempt to escape their reign. It seems unavoidable that ultimately the only recourse is to actually take land from existing nations in order to be a separate, non-bank encumbered one. We all know that this will be very hard to do. The alternative is to go to a place no bank is interested in. A place without any economic activity, and negotiate some kind of sovereignty there. The in between solution is to go to a region that is poor, but has renewable potential, and just be boring to banks.

Basic Income and the Roboeconomy

Basic income is seen as a solution to economic disparities and poverty. Banks make companies compete, which then lobby for government support and take it from the groups with weak representation, the jobless, elderly, disabled and young. My dutch right wing government has taken money away from social services and culture, while big companies reap the benefit.

Holland has a basic income, it has WW and Bijstand, its money people get when they have worked or when they have nothing to fall back on. It’s not enough to rent a place in the city any longer, although you do get subsidy for that. The problem is rents are rising fast because banks lobbied for rules that made rental homes a good property for institutional investors. Because of that, and because banks obstruct building of affordable homes, people are suffering.

A basic income means you allocate part of the resources of the market towards an individual without any conditions attached. An important contaxtual parameter is the opportunity to earn by doing a job for anyone in a society. This opportunity is shrinking due to automation, it has for a century. Time and time again economists have lied and said ‘new jobs will be found’. It turns out, for the highly optimized core of industry jobs have disappeared and if they exist they have become less valuable. So the job pool is smaller and you’d earn less. New technology like AI is going to make that trend continue.

The basic mistake that I think is being made when people propose or fund basic income experiments (like the boss of Twitter did today). Is to think that you can start with money. Hand out money to people and it will be fine. No doubt if you hand out money to people (or social security) they will be fine — BUT — that money is still hunted as described in the first paragraph of this post. You give money without conditions, that money is not going to companies that can lobby to stop your basic income experiment. You’re not up against one company or corporation, against ALL of them. Strangely they do not want the money to pay more wages! Truth is the want the money to pay of debt and increase their competitive edge, a competition they are forced into by the same banks that put them into debt (but that’s another story)

So how do you do Basic Income right? You generate the necessary resources, you don’t just take from the market (by handing out cash), you bring something to the market. A basic income initiative should start with a project that produces a thing everybody can use, so they will all trade their products for it. The first and best thing that comes to mind is energy. You produce energy for the market to make products and render services. This may sound roundabout, but it is not. Because once you build a solar power plant that earns your basic income funds, nobody can touch them. No lobby can try to take them away (they can of course lobby to access the energy).

Jobs are changing and it is unavoidable that even task that are considered highly complex will be done my AI and computers. This is fine, this is the Roboeconomy, as long as people do not compete for the same resources with those automated machines. They do now, because both people and machines depend on fossil energy. Machines sometimes directly, people through the food production system and for all the products and services they use. If you compete with machines owned by a company that can lobby and change laws, you’re going to lose. The best thing is to get out of that race, by ensuring you either have energy to sell yourself, or are supported by a self sustaining production mechanism.

This way of thinking also applies to pensions, because there people are saving fossil credit (money) that for sure won’t be buying fossil fuels in 20 years time. Another way of looking at it is that if you walk the Earth, the Earth must provide your food, and this requires a piece of it to catch sunlight, use water and be fertile so plants can grow. Plant growth is energy production, conversion of solar energy. Now we trust enough plants are grown by a massively fossil fuel dependend industry. To cover our needs we need to ensure the energy is there, to either grow food (make ferilizer etc) or produce other things we need. This will be increasingly challenging because of climate change, but the sooner we look at our support system this way the bigger the chance we can revers or manage this threat.

Can Banks fight climate change?

In the news “Lagarde puts green policy top of agenda in ECB bond-buying”, she claims the ECB “wants to ‘explore every avenue’ in fight against climate change”. This is like a pig farmer claiming to only want to drive vegetarianism by selling its pigs. Banks drive fossil fuel consumption because money is carbon credit. We have written about this petrodollar nature of all present western currencies extensively. You can’t extend credit to start a building project if your credit does not buy diesel for trucks, cement for concrete, gas/coal for steel refining etc. etc. Money distributes fossil fuels to producers and consumers.

It has to be that way because there is no alternative yet. We mean no readily available store of energy that can be allocated and released to do work. This is because renewable energy storage is fought by banks who make patents disappear and who fund rediculously wastefull (Methane friendly) solutions like Hydrogen. Renewables need either to be able to be deployed more cheaply or find a way to store the energy more conveniently. This will all happen soon, no worries.

Reading Lagarde’s comment a different way it will make a bit more sense : She wants to control renewable energy production, so that banks can extend renewable energy credit. This is a risk, because banks are lazy and relationships play a large role, meaning lifestyles of people need to be maintained, which is the reason for the present inertia when it comes to banks and renewables. Always more obstacles, lobbied confusion, pro fossil decisions etc. etc. Banks want cashflow, fossil provides it! We wrote about how we need to separate out the trade of RE from that of fossil fuels and labour idealy, by introducing different currencies for each : The Euro, de Auro and the Joule.

We don’t want to see the continuation of an elitist banking system that has this crazy privilige to create fossil at will and determines our planets future by making excuses and exhagerating risks when it threatens cashflow. LIES are what makes banking possible, and you can see by the goons on the anti-social ‘right’ banks don’t give a damn who lies as long as they are left alone and fossil credit (where fossil fuels have the convenient quality of being highly stabile while stored) cashflow is king. Renewable credit is a more complicated issue and dropping RE energy prices mean that ownership of RE sources (which makes cashflow disappear) becomes more widespread.

So we are seeing a battle for sovereignty between banks and citizen/states. If the banks get their way all renewable energy sources will be grid tied, forced to follow the rules, the energy will be traded over markets where off shore wind drives down prices. The assault on land based privately owned renewable energy is clear and ongoing. Solar parks are chased away because they waste valuable land (which would otherwise remain unused), the opposition in the North of Holland is clearly motivated by the ambition of local politicians to be part of they fake gas friendly ‘hydrogen economy’, even the leftists there are for biomass. The battle is waged in a subtle way, for example by changing the fossil content of the energy supply (less fossil Joule/kWh because of the switch to gas and addition of Wind), homes are reappraised to be more energy efficient and adding solar panels does less to increase their energy performance rating.

The battle is between the freedom of the individual to not need money, and the bank that wants everybody to need money. The state is (at least in Holland) so clearly inflitrated by people who consider economics a healthy theory, who think money should be the measure of all things, in short the religion the USA has been indoctrinated into by Wallstreet, that there is little hope from there. Banks occupy most contries and they will never give in as long as their achilles heel, our need for their currency, remains intact.

So the title of this piece : Can Banks fight climate change? has to be answered with : NO. Not in their present form.

Now its stupid but let’s imagine banks having an epiphany and meeting up in Switzerland to discuss the situation, having the following conversation :

“Right we are on track to load the entire planet in debt, control it all”

“Yeah great, but my son is worried about the effects, why do we keep financing emissions and why after a century of wealth are we ourselves not even secure”

“That’s the system we run, one of equal chance and merit and opportunity, a competitive economy”

“Yes but not for us now right? We have control over the monopoly!”

“True but to ensure continuation we have to make ourselves vulnerable too”

“No we don’t actually, we control this monopoly, we don’t only have to follow the recipy (divide fund indebt control), we can build a parallel ecosystem, in fact, we should because in decade or so people will spread out”

“How so?”

“Because of internet and energy being available everywhere”

“Our plan was to lock people in cities where they will be kept dependend and generate cashflow. That will also allow for high efficiency while we monetize everything else (or it goes to shits due to climate change)”

“Or : We could front run this development by creating new cities where they are not viable now, more or less self sustaining, but modern and advanced, we can fund the detachement of existing cities from dependencies”

“And kill our business? We will be replaced by people who don’t doubt economics and don’t look for alternatives. In fact I now have a mind to replace you”

“If we did it, would your lifestyle change? If we just took regions and cities etc. of our books and put them in other books, with different principles, would you personally be hurt”

“No, why?”

“Have you ever cared about anything but your personal lifestyle? Didn’t that get you where you are now?”


“So why not do it? It’s an opportunity, we need to crack this world. Do you want to run city-gulags for the rest of your carreer, deal with assholes like Dick Benschop who seems to think he personally created all the oil for planes to burn no matter who gets Corona?”

“I guess we could keep a group of debt-cattle in cities to finance our lifestyles, and also have zones be exempt from our fossil-credit predation. It would still be better than have those become a threat. But there can be no examples. No city upon a hill.”

“Not for all maybe?”

What this amounts to is extraeconomic zones or roboeconomic zones we wrote about here. An extraeconomic zone is a zone that is prohibited from trading with the outside world. It has to be self sufficient. It can be a massive plantation or CO2 capture operation with farms etc. a bit like a Mars colony on Earth. But it can also be as solar drying house that needs no outside electricity or other resources, or a 100% renewable powered city that does not buy or sell electricity to the wider grid. The point of extraeconomic zones is that they generate resources (methane, plastic, biomass, fresh water) but don’t allow its consumption. If produced resources are consumed we call it a roboeconomic zone, which simply does not use any fossil or climate damaging resources.

As banks dominate right now, to the highest level of policy making they have to create room for the alternative. They are likely not to do that as you see form the discussion above, because bankers don’t care about their children. Its the cut-throat atmosphere banking creates that locks it into a super defensive posture, and this is what makes it vulnerable, in this case to the ravages of climate change. It needs to see it is an animal terrified by its own reflection. Some new neurons have to grow in the brains of Lagarde and others at the top that wonder if it would actually be bad to create a new track, which when populated and developed, stands to exist for as long as humanity will.

Renewables make it unnecessary to squeeze a tax out of people. You can be rich, wealthy, healthy and in control without a ‘consumer farm’ to generate cashflow. You can mitigate the threat by distributing the renewable based wealth and managing the sharing of technology between regions and commuities, all with the latest technology.

Is een Huurcontract nu nog wel een Contract?

In 2005 verhuisde ik van Rotterdam naar Den Haag. Ik had een mooie baan in Rijswijk gevonden. De verhuurder wilde dat ik voor 2 jaar vast tekende. Ik dacht er niet bij na en zat goed. Toen ik een 1,5 jaar later wilde verhuizen kon dat niet, maar ik kon ook geen huis kopen omdat de BKR in die tijd nog een aantekening maakte als je een keer je mobiele abonnement was vergeten te betalen (dit kwam door de verhuizing). Anders had ik dit nooit hoeven schrijven (52.000 Euro/jaar in 2005 en prima aanbod woningen).

Nu ben ik nog steeds huurder, de BKR heeft er voor gezorgd dat ik de koop boot heb gemist, maar ik was er in de belegings hypotheek tijd ook geen fan van. Huren en sparen bracht meer op dan kopen en beleggen. Leek me allemaal zwendel en dat bleek later ook. Zoals ik het zie zijn de huizen prijzen opeenvolgend opgedreven door oa renteverlaging, verruimen van de hypotheek tot meer dan het bedrag (zodat je geen eigen geld hoefde te hebben), Nieuwe hypotheek vormen. Dit gaf mensen het idee dat een koophuis een soort golden ticket is, waar je altijd winst op maakt.

Deze belofte van stijgende huisprijzen wordt nu nog steeds met dezelfde niets ontzienendheid bevochten. Hoe? Bv. door huurhuizen duurder te maken. Dit was oa het werk van Stef Blok die het makkelijker maakte om institutioneel te beleggen in huurwoningen. Nu de banken het effect merken van het in de schulden steken van studenten zijn ze bezig om het toch mogelijk voor ze te maken om een hypotheek te nemen. Banken klagen ook over ouderen dat ze huizen bezet houden. Ze hebben er echter zelf voor gezorgd dat cooperaties minder kunnen bouwen met de verhuurdersheffing.

Het maakt ze niet uit dat er woning tekort is, dat is ook goed voor de waarde. Als je een goedkoop huis neerzet dan kan dat alleen als je de eigenaar verbiedt voor ‘marktconforme’ prijzen te verkopen. De ‘markt’ mag niet verwaterd worden door goedkope huizen! Er wordt continu slim gebruik gemaakt van een hele fundamentele cognitieve bias die we allemaal hebben : Acute Prijsconformatie. We zullen ons altijd conformeren aan een stijgende prijs als we de verkoper zijn. We zullen altijd ook 300.000 Euro vragen als het huis van de buren net voor 300.000 is verkocht. Dit doen we zelfs als er maar een heel klein beetje werkelijke prijsontdekking (handel) plaatsvind. Dit principe wordt alleen gebroken als we echt op stel en sprong moeten verkopen en de koper is alert en een doorzetter, want de bank wil een zo groot mogelijke hypotheek verstrekken! Het huis in kwestie is een kostenpost, dus hoe mensen er toe komen om er 300.000 voor te betalen is mij telkens weer een raadsel. Noem het speculatie, haast, gretigheid allemaal aangemoedigd door de leenheren.

Mijn huis is nu eigendom van iemand die er niet in kan gaan wonen. Dit is op zich al een verstoring van het principe van woningbezit

Al deze druk op prijzen heeft zijn effect op de huurmarkt. Daarin gebeurt nu iets zeer vreemds. De huren zijn verhoogd, met meer dan de inflatie. Ik ontving een brief van de beleggende verhuurder waarin stond dat als ik niet meeging in de voorgestelde verhoging ik meteen voor de rechter zou worden gesleept. Nu heb ik heel wat contracten onderhandeld en hierbij heb ik geleerd dat een contract een overeenkomst is waarbij een ‘equitable exchange’ plaats vind. Beide partijen zijn het er mee eens en geven door te tekenen aan dat ze met de voorwaarden akkoord zijn. De verhuurder heeft de huur verhoogd, maar geen enkele prestatie geleverd of beloofd. Kan dat eigenlijk wel? Heb ik me nu gewoon laten afzetten? Denkt deze verhuurder dit volgend jaar nog eens te kunnen doen? Een soort ‘new normal’ als het om huurverhoging gaat?

Mijn reactie is te zeggen “Ok, ik ben akkoord gegaan omdat er met een rechtzaak gedreigd werd, maar nu wil ik wel weten welke prestatie er is verricht om de hogere prijs te rechtvaardigen”. Als er geen antwoord is dan is dit de eerste en de laatste keer.

Ik weet wel wat het antwoord zal zijn, nl. Het pand brengt te weinig op. Ik mag zelf uit een aantal mogelijke upgrades kiezen, maar dan zal de huur natuurlijk ook omhoog gaan. Het liefst heeft de verhuurder dat ik verhuis want vandaag de dag zijn contracten van korte duur, dus zes maanden of een jaar zodat de huur sneller kan worden opgeschroeft en een minder verdienende huurder kan worden vervangen door een meer solide huurder. Die moet uiteindelijk wel een huis kopen natuurlijk maar tot die tijd betaalt hij/zij straks net zoveel als de hypotheek of zelfs meer.

Als elke handelaar eenzijdig de prijs kon aanpassen en zeggen dat dit was omdat hij/zij meer geld nodig had dan was er geen sprake meer van handel maar doorlopende struikroverij. Er moet mijns inziens een logica achter huurverhoging zitten en aangezien de huurder veranderingen aan de woning kan weigeren moet het ook zo zijn dat er zonder prestatie volgend jaar geen verdere verhoging boven de inflatie mogelijk is. De middenweg is wel een prestatie vragen, zoals bv. het vervangen van het (giftige en brandgevaarlijke) plafond. Het lijkt me echter dat verhuurders nu op een spoor van huurverhogingen worden gezet die bestaande contracten nogal vreemd is. Wordt vervolgd.


Pensioenen zijn een heikel thema. Een saai thema voor veel mensen. Er zijn pensioenfondsen met miljarden in kas, die een zn. ‘dekkingsgraad’ hebben waar ze kennelijk weinig aan kunnen doen. De pensioengerechtigde leeftijd schuift heen en weer. Zware beroepen mogen eerder stoppen etc. Wat ons betreft is dat ‘moving the deck chairs on the Titanic’ met een smeltende ijsberg in zicht.

Een pensioen is (in theorie) een spaarplan voor je oude dag. De overheid stelt het verplicht. Maar wat betekent dat in een fossiele ‘just in time’ economie waar alles op het laatste moment wordt geproduceerd? Het betekent dat je wordt gegarandeerd dat je met euro’s die je nu uit circulatie haalt over 20 jaar hetzelfde zult kunnen kopen als nu. De huur, brood, koffie, thee. Al die dingen.

Een heel belangrijke vraag is : “Worden die zaken met uw gespaarde en uitgekeerde geld geproduceerd?” Het antwoord is “Nee”. Ze worden tzt geproduceerd met de middelen die er dan zijn. Dwz als we fossiele energie gebruiken is het met olie of gas die dan uit de grond komt. Het brood wordt gebakken met graan dat dan verbouwd wordt. En de thee wordt geoogst en verscheept met de productie capaciteit die dan voorhanden is.

Als je voor je pensioen spaart hoop je dat er niks gebeurt met de productie capaciteit van de wereld, want als we morgen geen graan kunnen verbouwen kun je met je Euros nergens graan kopen. Het kan zomaar zijn dat niemand nog in je Euro’s geinteresseerd is, bv. omdat de graan producenten ze niet nodig hebben, of omdat ze ze niet willen verhandelen, dat is al verschillende keren gebeurt.

Helaas is de pensioen wereld een creatie van het fiancieel systeem, en dat kijkt alleen naar zichzelf, en is volgens ons bezig langzaam aan de pensioen zekerheid af te breken tot nul, zodat we tzt zeggen “Tja we hebben al onze spaarcentjes verloren, helaas, nu is het bikkelen”. Dit doen ze om de aftakeling van de marktproductie voor te zijn, en dat is terecht, ze zien ook wel dat het met de voedsel productie minder wordt etc. Echter, een inspanning om een veilige voorziening voor ouderen de creeren zou de nekslag zijn voor het bankwezen, het zou de overstap van fossiel naar duurzaam definitief maken, simpelweg omdat de schellen ons dan allemaal van de ogen zouden vallen.

Spaargeld is niks waard als de productie capaciteit niet wordt geborgd. Dat is iets dat de economie niet voor ons doet. Ze redeneert dat als er geld is mensen zullen gaan rennen. Dit klopt vandaag omdat je met geld benzine en diesel kunt kopen en gas en kolen waar onze productie machine op draait. Producenten in China die onze spullen maken hebben iets aan die Euro, omdat de energieproducenten waar ze van afhankelijk zijn die munt accepteren. Maar wat als deze producenten er niet meer zijn?

De huidge spelers in de economie, steeds prominenter merkbaar de banken, willen niet dat u hier aan denkt. Ze willen dat u vertrouwen houwt in geld en de ‘markt’. Het is beter om de realiteit te erkennen, nl dat sparen op deze manier een groot risico inhoudt, en fabeltjes over een waterstof economie enz. allemaal lokale tijdelijke weelde kunnen creeren maar niets waar u op uw oude dag iets aan zult hebben. Mensen met een oude dag zijn niet belangrijk voor de economie, dit zie je aan rechts beleid over de hele wereld.

De verstandig weg is om te kijken welke voorzieningen we moeten treffen om de komende generaties met pensioen te verzorgen. Dat zijn boerderijen, broodfabrieken, zorginstellingen met medische voorzieningen, kleding etc. Het is heel makkelijk : Identificeer de noodzakelijke kernproductie en koop die op, zorg dat die op duurzame energie kan functioneren. Als je dat doet dan dalen de kosten snel tot nul, en worden het als er geen vraag is uit de groep gepensioneerden een bron van inkomsten die vertaald kunnen worden in meer capaciteit. Een grote centrale in het Markermeer (Zie ) zou een goede groeibasis zijn.

De economen hebben het vaak over ‘economische groei’ maar dan bedoelen ze toename in de cashflow van banken. Die neemt toe omdat meer mensen van fossiele energie (of centraal geproduceerde energiebronnen) afhankelijk worden en er dus constant geld moet stromen. Economische groei betekent niet dat de draagkracht van de economie toeneemt, want er is steeds fossiele input nodig. Valt die weg dan heb je helemaal niks. Het wordt tijd dat we dat risico als reel gaan beschouwen en de pensioenproductie inrichten.

The Roboeconomic Landgrab

There is only one way to fight the current addiction to higher numbers in bank accounts over real wealth and security. Even though it is obvious a number in a bank account can be faked, or the precieved value of an asset inflated (so called bubbles), still if you want to live in a city you need cash. How to get out from under this deadly and fatalistic tyranny?

The answer is to own stuff, land, and have costs the land can pay. Even farmers are no longer allowed to produce more value than they need to pay off their debts. It takes so much inputs to farm land (that is after decades of industrial abuse barely able to sustain life) that a farmer really feels lucky to be able to make ends meet. How can that be? A farm is a solar power plant, crops capture solar energy and make it available for human consumption. That is a net profit in real value because well fed humans can produce a lot of wealth. Something has been perverted in this formula:

Wealth = Energy (food) x Skills (human intelligence) x Materials

Clearly farms are constanly pushed by lobbied law and banks to scale up, to buy bigger ‘better’ equipment etc. But do they make more profit? Nope. Does the farmer achieve independence ? Nope, that is Verboten. All the producers and consumers in the economy are supossed to be captured and competing in it. Of course that does not mean banks, because those are always supported even if they lose trillions. Nor does it include energy companies. But everyone else uses both types of company in nearly every economic activity, and not because it’s really necessary, but because society has slowely been changed towards one where that is the case.

If you can own land and produce something you can trade off it to pay for it and it’s taxes and still keep money to buy more land, you are golden. This means you do not need a bank for credit at all and you can no longer be controlled by the banks willingness to give you credit or not. There are a lot of places where this can work today, but writing about how and where really isn’t smart because the general pattern is that if there’s anything on the fringe of the economy that allows people to escape it, banks will do something to plug the ‘leak’.

What is really going on is the need to conquer new land. To become new owners of land, as if there was no owner before. All things are not on the market yet, but eventually banks will want that to be the case, and it will be impossible to ever take land or territory definitively off the market. The least you can do is pay taxes, so short of waging war for land that is the least difficult to achieve goal.

A Roboeconomic Response to Carbon Warming

The Roboeconomy is the economy that is technologically advanced but does not use fossil fuels. It doesn’t use nuclear energy either, it basically does not soil its own nest or externalize lethal factors. It uses solar, wind, geothermal, wave energy, fusion maybe. It is different from the fossil credit economy we are in today, because there is no way to centralize power by centralizing the distribution of credit and energy.

The banks and centralized energy producers are mutually dependent and create the illusion that money buys anything anywhere. Even though this is not true (the money only buys stuff where it can be supplied) cash has a lot of power as a result. You can still use USD almost anywhere, the bills will find their way, flow towards places where they can be used to buy stuff, because they are usually more valuable than the local currency (which will flow in the opposite direction). In the Roboeconomy there will be no global currency, at least not in the beginning.

The roboeconomy is characterized by having and using less currency of any kind, simply because one of the primary reasons money flows will be eliminated. Right now when you buy a product you have to pay for the fossil ‘content’ of it, for the fossil consumption of whoever was involved in the production. If today you don’t pay in a currency that buys fossil fuels you simply can’t get the product or service. When less energy needs to be bought by the producers the costs drop and they will also require less payment.

Picture a solar electric logistic system that has barely any maintenance and does its job nearly automatically. That will drop the cost of shipping, of supplying to manufactureres, and thus the overal cashflow and need for currency. It will also be competitive in the ‘market’ but it will not make banks happy, because banks see less money flow, less need for credit. Eventually all need for credit and currency will dry up, as every step in the logistics system becomes renewable energy autonomous and fully automated (including maintenance).

Todays response of our economic system to this threat of losing returning (fossil fuel credit) customers is to propose to use another fuel, hydrogen or natural gas in the interim. Smart people skip that step and go electric, and invest in solar and battery storage. Simply because then you are closest to done for the next millenia and you can focus on optimization of a system you know. Of course we will see many innovations, the more when banks get weaker and can’t coordinate the suppression of disruptive patents anymore. But view all your production costs as something that can be eliminated by the application of renewable energy sources and you are a Roboeconomist.

The way to view the climate situation is to think “This is a great opportunity to use the solar radiation that will be abundant to bring comfort instead of drought and heat”. You are not supported by the current economic system in that thought. You are supposed to ignore it, buy a bigger airconditioner, go on holiday, shop till you drop. This is all simply an attempt to keep selling fossil fuel based products and services. If you know better you look for the golden lining, and not in cities, not in places where the concentration of money is high and leading, but in the other places.

Take the coast of Mauritania, its desolate and dry, it has some salt mines, pretty stubborn people who don’t like infidels. If you can keep potential ideologist at bay you can start a new city on the coast, you will have no problem desalinating the water with high efficiency (ionic, freeze) desalination methods. No shortage of sun to cool your compound, which you preferably build under ground or recessed. Can be out of the sand of the deserts you find there, the sun can melt that sand into anything you want. Can you grow crops in a partially shaded space? Sure. Can you maintain systems semi autonomously? Of course. Global logistics is a for profit activity, not a necessity!

If I had more cloud I would start pulling on thin film solar production. It is not happening, and it seems this is because silicon solar just generates more cashflow. Lithium batteries keep dominating because they generate more cashflow, this is evident. Using the lightest possible battery for home storage is a waste of its utility in vehicles. Roboeconomists must put pressure on companies, banks, industry, polticians to produce things in the most energy efficient way. Reverse Osmosis desalination is nonsense if you want to utilize the available energy optimally. You are pressing water through a sive to get out the salts, while if you freeze the water the salts will be pushed out by the watercrystals themselves. Saves 60%+ of the energy, so you can desalinate 40%+ more.

The above may sound like a list of random technologies but the author of this has had~15 years to observe new innovations being sidelined both by lack of investment and ‘over’ investment and by time, because people grow old and run out of steam. This has all been to protect products that performed well for the banks and energy companies (generated energy cashflow) but sucked for future generations and most life on Earth. Take the SUV, unweidy, unsafe. Basically just a way to extract more fuel profit from rich people. Same principle as “Hey you need a fidget spinner”. Nobody needed them, they waste metal, energy, time. But they generated profit for banks and producers.

To respond like a roboeconomist start making the factors for wealth operational : Produce energy, increase skills or automate, make materials available for others or recycle them for yourself.

The Fossil Energy Death Cult

We need to start thinking clearly about what we are dealing with. We may believe we can plead and demonstrate to change something about fossil fuel consumption, but it is a total waste of time. We have had an industry lie, pay people to lie, kill and pretend nothing is wrong for decades now.

Industry knew about climate change in the early 60’s. As the fossil industry always had the brightest minds there is no doubt they knew full well. Later it was even found in internal documents of Exxon and Shell. Activists where payed off, one very famous one in Holland, a member of the ‘Club of Rome’, who softened his attitude towards fossil fuel use in return for a couple of million.

We are dealing with a neat looking group of people that does not care what happens to future generations. A group that knows it is not going to end well. The line of people that knew what was going on runs all the way from the 60’s to today. A prominent member is Ronald Reagan, who weakened a report and said that as there had been a response to acid rain a response to climate change was too much.

We are thus clearly dealing with a death cult. A group of people that has accepted the destruction of our lifestyles to enjoy it now, and not think about tomorrow. This attitude is not posessed by the majority of people, but it is by the minority that also has great ambition to power. The desire to enjoy power and have riches now simply defeats caring about other things, like future generations. Death is a given, why worry about the deaths of people that you don’t know? People die all the time. Also why worry about the consequences of your actions. Take them. Win. Now. This attitude makes it easy to succeed, less complex. It also makes it easier to cooperate.

Sadly there is no way to divide the planet between people that want to preserve it and people that are hooked on riches and power. Because fossil energy multiplies the power of a single man, as does multi media communication, single individuals can drag entire communities into the abyss. Donald Trump is priming the US population for race warfare. Many people have already died because he is alive. He definitely does not care about anything that is not right in his face or makes his reelection unlikely. His luck is that lying is now automated.

We need to let the reality sink in : We are dealing with a death cult. A group of people that want billions of others to die and live in misery. It is starting in dry Africa now, in parched Middle East, in to hot and humid Asia. All that suffering is a willfull consequence of people who knew it would happen but choose their own lifestyle over the lifes of countless others.

It used to be that you got born and if you made it through the first 5 years you had the chance to live a life of toil and suffering. You had to be brave and run risks, fight for your life against others, diseases and animals. So a mentality that did not care about later but focussed on the now is not a strange evolutionary adaption. It is a backward attitude though. It seems that is why the pro-fossil leaders are almost always quite stupid. How to dea l with such people? Silence them. Remove them from power. You don’t want a suicidal pilot fying your plane. You don’t want these leaders to be left to do what they please.

The Duterte Strategy use in the US?

Dark as the title of this post may seem, it is just a result of seeking a rational behind the violence gainst blacks in the US. There are several reasons why that violence happens:

  1. Endemic racist attitudes in the police force
  2. Banks putting blacks into debt
  3. Banks enabling drug trade
  4. Banks enabling gun ownership
  5. Lack of opportunity (no class mobility)
  6. High exposure of cops to criminal blacks

This is a complex problem as always. The problem doesn’t really originate from the people rioting in the streets. However and cops and blacks faced with the current level of tension have few options other than leave the city or die at the hand of a cop.

There is a war going on..

The racist component seems very real, and may be a result of racist whites that want to ‘police’ black crime viewing the police force as a logical place to apply for a carreer. The next question then becomes : How do you behave as a cop to reduce the threat you identify, even if that threat is caused by external factors like banks profiting of debt and drug trade.

Cop : “We’re Shooting African Americans

Less Than We Probably Ought to Be”

The answer is intimidation. We may be missing the reality that cops actually think this way about their work. If they see a lot of black crime, even though it is not the fault of the black community, they may choose to intimidate that community. If they are not helped by a legal system that lets criminals go easily, or the danger is really high (as guns are so widely available), what do you do?

This is a story of an abandoned population, not only the blacks getting ‘executed’ but also the cops. Just like schoolchildren they are abandoned because selling weapons is more profitable than protecting kids or helping the black community out of poverty. In these abandoned communities stuck in the wider context logic can not force a way out. Short of constant open communication with all criminals and a ban on owning a bank account or money by whoever is involved or suspected of a crime.

How do you deal with this situation? Duterte set an example in the Phillipines. He acted like judge, jury and executioner. He managed the assasination of many guilty or innocent individuals that where sometimes only weakly linked to drug activities (also people pointed out by locals who may or may not have been right). He executed and is still doing it, in order to combat drug related activities. We don’t know if he is an actual drug kingpin himself, this may very well be.

Are the cops in the US doing the same? Are they simply executing the Duterte strategy? If you het killed if you’ve done nothing then what if are an obvious criminal?

The problem with crime in the US is that banks profit off it. Even in Holland banks had to pay a small fine because they managed billions of drug transactions for Amsterdam drug traders. If that is the case in the US it is unlikely a real strategy of suppression of drug crime is behind it. Then it becomes more likely it is just racist harrasment, and the police forces attract white racists who want to ‘protect’ the white community.

Public Taxes on Things People Hate

One of the recurring themes we write about is that industry cares not for human lives. It tries to keep workers safe (sometimes) but the quality of life of people is nowhere to be found in the financial statement, nor are the CO2 emissions. From examples like DDT and sigarettes we know that it can take enormous suffering before industry responds (and banks primarily) before some cashflow rich activities are halted.

How do we install a system that fixes this, because there really is no need to destroy ourselves in order to live a wealthy life. You could almost say that this is a remnant of evolving in an environment where zero sum was real, you eat the fruit, or someone else does, there is a finite amount of fruit to go around.

Renewable energy is not infinite but certainly MUCH more abundant than fossil energy. And if we eliminate banks who keep money tight because they want us to keep them in business (a worry born out of the same concept of scarcity and greed) we can enjoy free lives (albeit some population management has to happen).

We propose to introduce publicly controlled taxes. Taxes on products and services that will increase the price and thus its competitiveness in the market. This has been done with sigarettes, the tax flowed to the government, which caused a problem because now the government was counting on the money. These taxes had to be fought for because of the bank serving nature of government, you don’t really get ahead if you keep the banking mob happy. It is a real mob, an organization that funds and protects criminal and insane activities because they cause desired cashflow.

Simply make it possible for any product or service to be taxed specifically or by category. Put that money into programs people vote for through the same channel you create for them to impose taxes. Let them propose the programs or plans to invest in. Or create a credit bank based on the taxes with a fixed interest rate of 0%

We have a system in place that allows for direct democracy in our country, Holland, and most countries have digital identities for its citizen, where they can log in and supply info. Let’s use that system. That way not only banks can profit from cashflow, but also citizens. That way any product that sucks that we hate that we feel is hurting us can be taxed, say for instance gasoline or plastic lawn chairs or all kinds of crap.

There does not have to be a lower limit on the tax, if one citizen wants it, then its added. Also make the % relative to the sales of the product. Adding 1 Euro to the cost of a car won’t change much..

Of course this can go wrong with tabloid media lying to the public or spinning every damn fact into something sensational and damaging. So any mention of it in the press has to be banned. This way when a person gets annoyed with a product or service he/she can go to the public tax website and search for it, see if he/she is alone, and if not impose a tax.

This all goes for new products and services. Recycled of second hand services are probably much harder to administrate. But as we need a change in what is being produced anyway (less plastic, more local, more sustainable) this is a good start.