Open Design Windturbine

Open design is open source for design. The main reason for open design is that no patent can be filed on the design, and as as result no investment can lock it up in a high price range. This is important becaus small wind turbines are disruptive, they can easily generate enough for the average household. Concepts like the Turby, Donqi and others have been systematically made more expensive without any real reason. What is the average person to think when a design is cheap in the prototype phase, but the end product has a maximized profit margin?

VAWTs or vertical axle wind turbines are cheaper and easier and quiter.. 

A vertical wind torque platform 

So here is the idea: we develop a vertical axle wind torque converter (VAWTC). So primarily it’s about a vertical turbine turning an axle producing torque. Usually that torque is used in a generator to produce electricity, but we won’t go into that in our first step. The modular system will consist of a set of designs for a vertical turbine that will produce torque, and modules that can use that torque for some purpose. That may be as an air pump, water pump or generator, it’s up to the builder.

Part of the core module 

The core mmodule will consist of supports, the main axle, the blade supports and the blades. 

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