Amylase Corn..GM Recklessness Knows No Bounds..

So Syngenta thought it would be a good idea to create a patented corn that would self decompose it’s starch. We do that when we digest starch using an enzyme called amylase that can be found in our saliva. The starch is turned into glucose which we can easily absorb. If one makes bioethanol the sugars feed bacteria that produce the alcohol. This is all very nice and smart, but there seems no awareness about what happens to GM varieties. They mix, spread, contamintate.

Even a small amount of the amylase corn – one kernel out of 10,000 – could damage food products, according to data supplied to the North American Millers’ Association by Syngenta. The organisation, like most food industry groups, has opposed the corn, noting failures to prevent cross-contamination from earlier GM breeds.

Syngenta says : "Look! We are fucking up your crop!" 

So it will be only a matter of time before all corn is part amylase corn. This has grave implications for other uses of corn, uses where the starch is actually needed or usefull. It is just idiotic how GM companies keep churing out solutions that create problems, but hey, that’s economics, even if it renders one of the staple crops useless..  

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