Fossil fuel use, and it’s status as the principle driver behind a destructive world economy, is causing changes around the world. Climate change is one of the most prominent processes we see as a result of continued use of fossil resources, and the continued freedom of companies bringing fossil fuels to market. Changes we are seeing today, more than 100 years after the process of carbon fuel driven climate change was understood, are grave, and news about them can be unsettling.
Examples of serious consequences to leaneancy towards fossil fuels and the corruption of our politics by fossil fuel interest are exteem heat, drought, floods, rain, ocean biosphere destruction and more. Floods and droughts can both be caused by warming, because the increased temperatures keep water in the cloud longer, so when it finaly breaks out rains are torrential, this traditionally was only the case in Monsoon regions.
A map of how fare people should move to maintain the same temp as before fossil fuel use driven warming
A map of how far people should move to stay in temperatures from before fossil fuel driven warming
All these changes and their predicted continuation makes some scientist suggest that some regions will become uninhabitable. The idea is to move the people to still habitable regions. In some cases, f.i. for trees, it has been found that they can not move to their best habitat (with the same temperaturs) fast enough to survive as a species. For people this is easier. It is no fantasy that this may be necessary or desired, because today in some parts of India people really can’t go outside for the searing heat of 51 degrees Celsius.
The right way to respond to this situation is not to retreat. It is not to leave hotter zones and withdraw to where one can still cope.This would be an acceptable response if we could expect the situation to relent in the near future, but this situation will not. It will eat up all life on earth if it gets the chance. If we make room for climate change it will destroy our oceans, soil, forrests, basically everything alive and there is no winning for humanity in the end.
Some people will say “But Dinsaurs live in hot temperatures and they where fine!”, yes, but during the period of heating that led up to the era of the dinosaurs 85% of all life on Earth disappeared. The rise of the Dinosaurs was possible because a rapid rise in global temperatures by 12 degrees (Celsius) wiped the planet clean of most plants and animals, especially those that needed a lot of oxygen (warm blooded species). The process of warming now triggered by the large oil, gas and coal companies will have exactly the same effect.
To survive we need to fight climate change, its causes and effects
The conclusion thus is that we need to fight climate change where it deteriorates the situation, not retreat to where we can still survive, because still really means still, for a while more. Luckily where rains fall and the sun scorches the earth there is energy and opportunity, just not one that the living environment can easily counter. A living environment aided by mechanized or specially designed systems however can. Small changes can have large impact, like digging trenches in dry land so when the rain comes it permeates into the soil and doesn’t wash everything away. Or using solar energy to cool and grow/maintain trees. Or using solar to build the structures needed to store rainwater. Because this requires a lot of manpower we may not have automation in this area is going to be crucial. Hence our concept of the Roboeconomy.
The causes of climate change are primarily the existence of the fossil fuel industry, and the banking industry because the cooperation between those two industries creates an incentive in the economic system to stay with fossil fuels/ The primary reason is that credit can be created almost without limit based on fossil reserves that can be accessed with that credit. THis does not work with renewables. Second reason is that a steady fossil consumption cashflow keeps a lot of bankers in their jobs, and they will protect thos cashflows, just like public servants will protect tax cashflows. Basically because people’s incomes are from local sources (their company) this creates an incentive for hoarding and protecting cashflow intensive processes, and a very important one of those is the consumption of fossilfuels.
We need to start fighting now
Some may say we are doing what we can to fight climate change, but that is not true. Clearly all kinds of operations serving the fossil fuel industry are still free to function without any directive to shut down or even stop growing. Fighting means some pain is suffered in order to prevail, and we have not taken the fight to any cause of climate change yet. The main reason is that the intrinsic climate damageing nature of ‘economic growth’ is not recognized. The nature of money as fossil credit is not recognized. If we are to fight climate change though we have to do it now, because now we still have order, we still have a sizable amount of fossil fuels to start things up. We may lose that f.i. due to a water or fossil fuel war, or due to increased misery. We may be ok on the fossil ration for a while, but we should not take that situation for granted as is done now. Being content with gradual change is being content with waiting on the needs of a damaging and destructive and politically adversarial industry. The fossil sector lobbies, spreads propaganda, funds political ”grass roots organizations’ funds scientific research all to thward whoever wants them to shut down. They are fighting, we are waiting. That must change.