Damn Ronald Reagan’s Legacy

Today sites all over the US are remembering Reagan as the conservatives would love to, a jovial movie star that became a president and ended the cold war. Only a tiny few know and seem to care what Reagans real legacy is. It is Golbal Warming.

Save 77, but how many millions will suffer for his decisions

At the end of the 60′ several studies indicated a consensus on man made global warming. To check again the Jasons, a special think tank, was asked to do their assesment, and the results where clear, humans where burning coal and oil and where causing our planet to heat up, even their estimations as to how fast where pretty accurate.

From this article

"In 1980 Ronald Reagan was elected president. He was pro-business and
pro-America. He knew the country was already in the environmental dog house
because of acid rain. If global warming turned into a big issue, there was
only going to be one bad guy. The US was by far the biggest producer of
greenhouse gases in the world. If the president wasn’t careful, global
warming could become a stick to beat America with.

So Reagan commissioned a third report about global warming from Bill
Nierenberg, who had made his name working on the Manhattan Project
developing America’s atom bomb. He went on to run the Scripps Institution of
Oceanography where he had built up the Climate Research Division. And he was
a Jason. Nierenberg’s report was unusual in that individual chapters were
written by different authors. Many of these chapters recorded mainstream
scientific thinking similar to the Charney and Jason reports. But the key
chapter was Nierenberg’s synthesis – which chose largely to ignore the
scientific consensus

Earth is moving towards an evolutionary reset, the oceans are dying, only 1% of oysters remain in the US, Right whales disappear, Tuna is going extinct. The acidification of our oceans is causing reduced oxygen generation (trending to zero). There is only one legacy of Reagan, and Nixon , and every other "pro business" damn president:

It will be another 4 million years before the next dominant species can play this scene.

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