Een gezondheids studie bij de Diablo Canyon Nuclear Reactors in Californie (VS) laat zien dat er negatieve effecten zijn.
“The major findings of this report show increases in various rates of disease and death in San Luis Obispo County, as compared to the state of California, since the 1980s (before plant startup and during its early years of operation). This includes increases in infant mortality, child/adolescent cancer mortality, cancer incidence for all ages (especially thyroid, female breast, and melanoma), and cancer mortality for all ages.
In addition, official vital statistics show that certain morbidity or mortality rates are rising more rapidly in the nine (9) zip code areas in San Luis Obispo County closest (under 15 miles) from Diablo Canyon, vs. the other 10 zip codes in the county, and vs. the state of California. These health status indicators include babies born at very low weight (below 3 pounds, 4 ounces) and all-cause mortality.” (pagina 30)
Meer kindersterfte, meer kanker bij jong volwassenen, meer schildklier, borst en huidkanker. Babies worden te jong geboren. Oude centrales zijn veilig toch?
“These findings strongly support the hypothesis that elevated radioactivity in the environment −and hence in the diet−is a factor in the rising morbidity and mortality rates in affected populations living near Diablo Canyon.”
Ergo, de kleine hoeveelheden radioactiviteit die ontsnappen zijn genoeg om mensen rond de centrale te doden. Wat moeten we verwachten van de enorme hoeveelheden radioactiviteit die in Fukushima vrijkomen?
“Energiebedrijf Tepco zegt dat het lek vanochtend in een routinecontrole is geconstateerd. Twee afsluitkleppen van de opslagtank waren onterecht opengezet.”