The Birth of the Robconomy

When our societies where formed, it was often by battle against many dangers and ourside forces. This put the most usefull people in charge, those that pest knew how to allocate resources, inspire people, keep them aligned with protecting their health, wealth and future. This happened in many ways, some evoided all weakness like the Spartans, others simply created classes and excluded part of society from fair trails or any rights at all.

In the ‘western’ culture of the 20th century we did all that but had at the same time a great source of weatlth to share, mechanization and fossil energy. This led to a society that was quite egalitarian and social on the surface, and sometimes in every respect. However the banks that ran it where never satisfied, they had and have to keep a myth of growth going and this is a problem.

A bank can always finance an undertaking that can extract money from the economy, and it wants to because the more money is extracted, the harder we need the bank! This made nearly everybody in society desperate for income, and because banks create a bottom half of society, some there are really desperate.

The privatization of health care is now showing its principle driver : profit. But sick people are never profitable, so how was this ever a thing? Well, it wasn’t. Sick people where taken care of by the healthy, by doctors and nurses in hospitals that worked with what they had. Then insurance was introduced, so people payed into the potential cost of care every month. This created revenue, a large pool of money to be tapped into, by who? By all those desperate and greedy people the banks created.

Privatized healthcare only cares about money, and sick people without insurance are not money.

The simple truth is that the cheapest care is no care, and that people in commercialized health care systems are viewed as sources of money. The economic potential of a healthy person is eroding fast, because we don’t need people for so many things now. The list of useless people is growing fast, and AI researchers are working on that as hard as they can. Now you would expect a social movement to go against this trend, but people are so easy to indoctrinate via their social media consumption that its rediculous. Some where paying more than $1000 to see Oppenheimer in Imax, a shit movie at best, because everyone around the woorld has been brainwashed to want to see that movie, which is insane.

But there is a darker situation evolving. This is the reality that some people can afford getting robbed, others can’t. This means the divide between rich and poor is increasing, and the rich really don’t care because that would spoil them enjoying their hard earned position. Its all noise in the background as far as they are concerned, at least if we accept it.

What happens if the people with money who are corrupting all the lawmaker quite obviously (because you can’t run for a position of power without millions of support) just stop caring for anyone that simply needs ‘humanitarian’ help, someone that needs a ‘semaritan’, anyone sacrificing anything. Part of society will become lawless, feral and dangerous, but very cheap!

Another risc in this situation is that small companies, struggling to become bigger will use every leverage they can get to extract money from customers. You agree to some service, then you get pulled over the rack with extra charges, as there is no other way to make money than to get it from someone else, and the pressure to get more is constant. This is the Robconomy.

If you have money and you buy all the nonsense banks tell you you find you will only do well if your business is profitable to the banks, and if not, you will be demolished by the same banks! The fact we don’t look out for each other is the main reason, and banks are behind this, always dividing society up by any possible division, always weakening the fabric, disowning, debt loading, trapping people.

The owners of this system have no reason to stop doing it, the gradient towards dominance is quite smooth, so its not like you one day have to decided to be a rich asshole, you just become it, unless you become independent.

This leads to the central question in the a society that is developing into a Robconomy : Ownership. How can a person exist without owning land or at least the ability to grow food for themselves. This should be a fundamental human right. It is denied people in most cities unless they pay for it, but this gives banks the right to set prices. Why do banks own all the land? Don’t they? The point is : If I don’t want to try to rob someone else, I need a means to sustain my life in another way.