Hot Ballz and Population Collapse

The temperatures are high in many parts of the world. Not for a day but for weeks on end. This is exhausting, its ruining crops, it makes nuclear reactors useless because there’s no cooling water. It is the frightening predicted result of unabated economism, banks telling us to maximize GDP and profits, even as it is killing us.

But there’s another aspect about it that I have not seen mentioned. Male ballz (as I will call them to keep it tastefull) are picky about temperature. They like to be a bit cooler than the body itself. They like 93 Degrees Farenheit or 34 Degrees Celsius. Not the 100 and 37 of the rest of our body. Maybe because the process of DNA splitting has to be done in a ‘less noisy’ chemical environment to go right.

Each 1°C increase in the ballz temperature leads to a 14% decrease in sperm production

Oops! So in over 100 Farenheit or 37 Celsius weather you are already producing 42% less sperm. What about places where its 50 Celsius? No Jizz at all! A study mentioned in the Jeruzalem post even states just 100,4 Farenheit or 38 Celsius can lead to infertility. This does not bode well for anyone already worried about population collapse. Under the heat dome most men are not producing any sperm! This should become visible in the birth rate data, which lags the heatwaves by an obvious 9 months.

Just wanted to put this out there..