Insane Lyndon Larouche Teaches Kids Mammals Are A Mistake and Turns The Elderly Into Climate Egoists

Lyndon Larouche is a well know thinker and political commentator. He is like a grandfather espousing hard truths about our geopolitical realities, our economics and oil dependence etc. These type of authoritarian figures need to be treated with caution as they usually cater to the older reading and philosophophical mind. Using terms as ‘energy flux density’ (really), they can become simple charlatans directing older people in awe of concepts like ‘The Universe’. The older technological optimist is an a lonely place, espcially when he/she is addicted to Larouche. Starting with his idea creativity is the basis of science you can only get lost. 

He has a channel called Rouchepac where he makes sure he keeps paturing his audience with wide ranging opinions on all aspects of the knowable world. Now his views on life and the world are aligned with another big block in the US, the end time believers. This is not relevant for renewables, but below video does touch the renewable theme. It is a shocking argument for MAMMALS to give up our planet and hand it back to the REPTILES because our cold blooded cohabitators (they are not our ancestors) are MORE EFFICIENT in sustaining themselves. Let’s look at his ideas.. 

Thruth is that mammal and reptile ancestors exicted before the last global warming catastrophy we know as the End Permian Extinction or Great Dying event, which occurred about 250 million years ago. Then CO2 and other gasses emitted from vulcano’s triggered runaway warming, dying of the oceans and extinction of 85% of all life due to the H2S and menthane gasses emitted from the swamp like seas. 4 Million years later life seemed to recover and oxygen leveles where brought back to a level where animals could become active. Because it was warm but oxygen was scarce the cold blooded animals (reptiles) grew big first and dominated. Size is an aspect of a species that can change much faster than other evolutionary species is it is managed by a different mechanism, in fact in Holland for instance new generations are on average several centimeters longer than the previous ones. The evolutionary story continues with the demise of the reptiles, the dinosaurs, possibly because of a cold spell (which also killed lots of life in the oceans), after which mammals where the first to recover in a wel oxygenated world.  

Now Larouche makes a video that tells children that reptiles where MORE EFFICIENT, but that is nonsense, why? Because evolution dictates that whatever species exists is viable in the environment, even in the range of variation of an environment. So efficiency is a meaningless term when one considers an organism. If it lives, it is adequately adapted. Another mistake in the video is the clear design suggestion, namely that mammals have somehow forced plants to exist in order to have their inefficient existence. Last but not least it is incredibly cruel to make children wish they where another species, or make them view plants as pararsites created for their wastefull existence.

The only function of this video is to make children believe that the wasteland they will be faced with when they grow older due to the egoistic use of fossil fuels by the older generation (Larouche audience) is better than the green planet the older generation enjoyed. And as a result they may accept the result of that egotism, their extinction.

Recently I got a counter of a pensioner that said climate change was not the problem, the cooling of the earths core was! Sanity and well informedness or responsibility is an assumption we need to abandon when proposing public policy, the best way to slove problems like the climate problem may be to simply do it with whatever force can be mustered, not to think you can motivate a wider audience to help you. Thanks to Lyndon Larouche these people are rapidly being turned into agents of mammalian extinction.  

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