Emissies van Africa


Andere Grafieken

Temperaturen in Africa en de wereld over de afgelopen 1000,140 en 100 jaar

Trends in warme en koude dagen in Zimbabwe

El Nino oscillatie

Effecten van El Nino in Africa

Koraal bedreigd door warmer weer

Deforestatie in Ivoorkust (schandalig)

Natuur rampen in Africa

Hoe werkt het Broeikas effect?

Drie hoofdfactoren van het broeikas effect

Accuratie van klimaat modellen

Emissies in Africa

Effecten van zeespiegelstijging in Gambia

Effecten van zeespiegel stijging op de Nijl

Opdroging van Lake Chad

Minder Water Beschikbaar door Klimaat Effecten

Waar zijn de diersoorten het meest bedreigd?

The Trinity : Our System is a Biohazard

The picture above captures the essence of our present situation. It is not new, it has been like this for many years. In our quest to save live on earth as we know it we need to take on the trinity shown above, the entire system. It consists of:

1. Banks creating credit that allows for the purchase of fossil fuels and products made using it. Banks creating a market where companies compete for nothing, just to allow banks their fees.

2. Consumer industry that makes standard products en mass for standard consumers. The media keeps people preoccupied with completely meaningless things and individuals like Ipads and celebrities. Life is an amusement park, be needy children.

3. The fossil fuel industry that provides the energy and reaps a part of the credit necessary to make the consumer industry work. Its potential creates the forces that cause destruction, like a knife thrown into a prison courtyard

The role of justice 

Justice is in the middle. On the higest level there is no justice, only force. On a business level there is some justice, and there it enforces patents and fixes markets thus forming a necessary party in protecting the trinity. On the day to day level it keeps people relatively calm and preocupied. The large sums of money made in the justice system show they don’t serve the people’s interest, but bank/energy cashflows.

Why is the Trinity a Biohazard

The Trinity is a biohazard because it is destroying the carrying capacity of our planet. It is a biohazard because it persists while one of its fundaments (fossil fuels) is running out. It is a biohazard because as the system tries to persist it cuts of consumers, people in extreme parts that can no longer be included, and it hides that fact for the consumers at the core of the system. It is a biohazard because it pollutes and destroys and makes our world poisonous, even if there where no climate change or end of cheap oil.

What to do about it

Rather than rallying against any part of this trinity we should rally for the opposite. We should demand that all businesses are scaled down to a medium size, with a modest range of operation. We should demand that companies use NO fossil fuels. We should demand transparency of businesses and thier government influence. We should demand governments that are in charge. We should demand the simple bio hazard rule that applies in all cases:

No materials can be used or activites employed that will poison or deteriorate our biosphere

There is no global authority, but global transparency and agreements for detection, reporting and intervention means the trinity won’t become too strong again.

Germany and other European coal-mining nations secured an extension of coal subsidies until 2018 after a months-long battle against environmentalists.

(Source). Let me guess, they used their wealth and discretion to scare, push and bribe our ‘leadership’ into a wrong and unethical decision. The argument as always is jobs.

"But with thousands of jobs on the line, Germany
led other coal-mining countries such as Spain in pushing hard to extend
subsidies to 2018, to fit around Berlin’s own national laws.

The reason is not jobs, because the mining industry tries to shed as much jobs as possible to be ‘efficient’. The real argument is that some individuals get richer, that some are confused and that some find their ambitions blocked otherwise and none of these want to stand up for our future. Our leaders are in the trinity (banking, energy and industries) and they care not for our lives.

European coal-fired power stations emit 70% more CO2 than modern gas plants, the European Gas Advocacy Forum said

Just thought I would give this article a mention..

The irony of methane (natural gas) is that it is everywhere, and mainly on the bottom of the oceans, where if mankind is to survive it should stay. To achieve that we need to stop burning anything.

Edwin Black will blow your mind

Wie in de geschiedenis van olie duikt valt van de ene verbazing in de andere. Zonnethermische centrales die in 1912 in Egypte bestonden en electrische auto’s die in de VS de strijd aangingen met de interneverbrandingsmotor. Henry Ford pleitte voor electrische auto’s die we thuis konden opladen, omdat er in zijn tijd ook olie tekorten dreigden. Uiteindelijk won olie het en dat hebben we geweten. Maar er lijkt ook een verband te bestaan met antisemitisme en de wereld oorlogen.

Het lijkt dat in de aanloop van de tweede wereld oorlog en de groei van het antisemitisme de britse en amerikaanse ‘roof’ van olie uit Persie en Arabie een rol hebben gespeeld. Er was ook de industrieele competitie met Duitsland die de eerste wereld oorlog had veroorzaakt. Er lijken parallelen te zijn met de huidige pad stelling tussen de VS en China, waar de VS de olie uit Saudi arabie rooft en China probeert Iran te lijmen door via Noord Korea raket technologie te delen. Ik zal de eerste zijn om toe te geven dat ik hier kort door de bocht ga en mijn associaties niet goed kan onderbouwen. Er is meer graafwerk in de geschiedenis nodig om de puzzelstukken goed uit te leggen, en Edwin Black lijkt daar iig bij te kunnen helpen.

History also shows that patents create extortive monopolies and that the popular side wins.

Cancun, leuke vakantie

"Mexico scrambled to
break an impasse between rich and poor nations over future cuts in
greenhouse gas emissions on Friday as 190-nation climate talks went down
to the wire.
" (reuters)

Niemand ziet een probleem in aanklooien, de landen willen economische groei beschermen of bevorderen, die economische groei veroorzaakt de uitstoot. Je komt er dus niet uit.

De oplossing is simpel : Neem alle olie, kolen en gasmaatschappijen, stop ze in een UN gestuurd bedrijf en reduceer de output zo snel mogelijk tot het minimum. Aangezien dit een zaak is voor defensie, en defensie weet dat het 2 over 12 is, zal cooperatie op dit vlak niet moeilijk zijn. 

Kleine Wind Turbine Fabrikanten

Small wind turbine designers and manufacturers

– manufacture the two blade, tailless, downwind Aerostar 6 Meter Wind Turbine. Based in Westport Point, Massachusetts. www.aerostarwind.com


– design and
manufacture helical aeroturbines that can be mounted on existing
buildings – vertically, horizontally or diagonally. Based in Chicago.  www.aerotecture.com


– the
Californian company, better known for its unmanned aircraft
technologies, has developed a small, modular Architectural Wind turbine
system designed for installation on buildings in urban and suburban
areas. www.avinc.com/wind


– design, build,
specify and supply products for use in a variety of applications, all
powered by wind, water and sun. Based in Berkshire. www.ampair.com

Bergey Windpower

– a major US supplier of small wind turbines, with installations in many countries and an international network of dealers. www.bergey.com

BroadStar Wind Systems

designed the AeroCam with multiple parallel rotor blades and a
horizontal axis, for urban high-rise buildings and commercial rooftops.
Based in Dallas, Texas. www.broadstarwindsystems.com

Cleanfield Energy 

– develop and manufacture a 3.5kW VAWT, primarily for the urban environment. Established in 2002 and based in Ontario, Canada. www.cleanfieldenergy.com

Eclectic Energy Limited

design and manufacture the DuoGen, a dual wind and water generator for
yachts, as well as the StealthGen urban wind turbine. Based in
Edwinstowe, Nottinghamshire, since 1999. www.eclectic-energy.co.uk

Enviro Energies

– manufacture MagWind VAWTs that use magnetic levitation to reduce friction. Based in Ontario, Canada. www.enviro-energies.com

– develop and produce small to medium sized wind turbines, 6 to 300kW. Formed in 2001, based in Nice, France. www.eoltec.com


– (formerly Iskra Wind Turbines) manufactures the Evance Iskra R9000 near Loughborough, Leicestershire. www.evancewind.com

Fortis Wind Energy

manufacture small wind turbines, from 1400W to 10 kW. The Passaat and
Montana are marketed for mounting on suitable flat roofs. Head office is
in the Netherlands. www.fortiswindenergy.com

FuturEnergy Ltd

domestic wind turbine manufacturer, with grid tied solutions, and DIY
installations. Based in the UK, a subsidiary of Special EFX Ltd. www.futurenergy.co.uk

Home Energy

market Energy Ball HAWTs that works on the Venturi effect. Part of Wind
& Water Technology, since 2006, and based in southern Netherlands. http://www.home-energy.com

Kestrel Wind Turbines

the only manufacturer of micro wind turbines in South Africa, with four
models – 600W, 800W, 1kW and 3kW. Founded in 1999, based in Port
Elizabeth. www.kestrelwind.co.za

Mariah Power

manufacture Windspire, a 30 feet tall, 2 feet radius, VAWT designed for
urban, suburban and rural locations. Founded in 2005 and based in Reno,
Nevada. www.mariahpower.com

McKenzie Bay International Ltd

– their
WindStor system is designed to generate and distribute electricity at
urban and off-grid locations from their WindStor VAWT and System
Integrator. Based in Michigan, USA. http://web.mckenziebay.com/


– the Californian company produce a range of VAWTs, from the 500w Seahawk to the 10kw DELTA II. www.pacwind.net

Proven Energy Ltd

– a
family owned business based in Stewarton in south-west Scotland which
manufactures and installs wind turbines and pv panels. www.provenenergy.co.uk

Quiet Revolution

produce the qr5 vertical-axis helical turbine, designed with the urban
environment in mind, and have several other models in development. Based
in Islington, London, with turbine manufacturing and assembly in Wales.

Renewable Components

manufacture the MiniWind range of domestic turbines and supply
component parts to other manufacturers. Based in Eyemouth, South East
Scotland. www.renewablecomponents.com

Renewable Devices (Swift Turbines)

– developed the Swift Rooftop Wind Energy System™, a building-mountable wind turbine. www.renewabledevices.com/rd-swift-turbines

Samrey Wind Turbines

design, manufacture and specify small wind turbines and renewable energy
systems. Their Wren, Mistral and Merlin turbines are all manufactured
in the UK from proprietary UK components. www.samrey.co.uk

SEaB Energy Ltd

design and manufacture the WindBuster 5kW VAWT in the UK. Established in 2008 and based near the New Forest National Park. www.seabenergy.com

Southwest Windpower

– the world’s largest small wind manufacturer produces the Skystream, AIR and Whisper small wind turbines, in Arizona. Segen is a Skystream distributor in the UK. www.windenergy.com


– a Dutch VAWT especially designed for built up areas and for roof tops on high buildings. www.turby.nl

Urban Green Energy

– the US company has manufactured wind turbines since 2008, in China and South Korea. Now offering 300W, 1kW, and 4kW VAWTs.

Wind Energy Solutions

– manufacture the WES5 Tulipo, a 2.5 kW Dutch wind turbine especially designed for use in urban environments. http://www.windenergysolutions.nl/wes5/index.htm

Wind Simplicity

– a
father–daughter team, based in North York, near Toronto, Canada, produce
3 standard Windancer models and larger turbines to order. http://windsimplicity.ca


– produce a range
of eight vertical wind turbines, all based on sailing engineering
principles, with different models to suit different wind speeds.
Turbines produced in central Finland, since 1979. www.windside.com

Kennis Brengt Welvaart

WikiLeaks Morning Read

This is fyi, I am gratefull about Germany’s understanding and willingness to direct their resources towards forest conservation. Let Holland turn its focus beyond fossil fuels as well and there is no way any calamity other than the ravages of climate change can damage the core of Europe.





E.O. 12958: N/A



¶2. (SBU) SUMMARY. Germany has long been the leading contributor of financial and technical assistance to Brazil on deforestation and climate change. It is looking to expand its substantial program of technical assistance at the national and state levels with deforestation, and it also plans to increase its financial assistance with over 100 million Euros on climate change and renewable energy projects. END SUMMARY.


¶3. (SBU) Germany has long played the leading role in the international effort on conserving the Amazon forest. It was a major contributor to the G-7’s Pilot Program to Conserve the Brazilian Rainforest (PPG7), which was created by the Group of 7 in 1992 and is now winding up. According to Dr. Michael Grewe, Counselor for Technical and Financial Assistance of the German Embassy in Brasilia, the German assistance agency KFW as of September 2008 had contributed approximately 360 million Euros on sustainable forestry activities, protection of indigenous reservations, and land use planning and regulation. (REFTEL A) Further, Jen Ochtrop, the German Development Bank’s (KfW) Brazil Director of Programs for the Management of Natural Resources in an October 14 briefing for Embassy Science Officers outlined ambitious plans for future financial assistance. At that same briefing, the Dr. Helmut Eger, the Director of the German Technical Assistance Agency’s (GTZ) Program for the Protection and Sustainable Management of Tropical Forests, described expanding an already impressive technical assistance program.

¶4. (SBU) Germany would still be the leading contributor to Brazil in this area if Norway had not announced in September a one billion dollar pledge to the Amazonas Fund (REFTEL B). Germany is still studying that fund and has not decided whether it will also contribute or not. During the October meeting, Grewe and Ochtrop expressed concerns over the lack of controls and transparency

¶5. (SBU) Germany has established partnerships with the Ministry of the Environment, FUNAI (the Brazilian Indian Aid Agency), the Ministry of Agricultural, and the State of Amazonas. GTZ and KfW efforts focus on reducing deforestation and promoting sustainable development in the states of Amazonas and Acre. While Germany is looking to expand its impressive environmental efforts, it is no longer working with Brazil on projects to combat poverty. Grewe explained that this is because Germany has determined that Brazil, now a middle income country, has sufficient economic resources to carry out such activities on its own.


¶6. (SBU) According to Ochtrop (KfW) and Egger (GTZ), Germany’s priority areas for Brazilian cooperation are: forest conservation and sustainable use; renewable energy and energy efficiency; sustainable development of natural resources with a focus on protected areas; demarcation and protection of indigenous lands; and land use planning and regional development. Germany is also working on capacity building with IBAMA (the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources), the Chico Mendes Institute (which manages conservation areas), and the Brazilian Forest Service in the areas of knowledge management and capacity development. The majority of their capacity development work takes place in the State of Amazonas.

¶7. (SBU) Germany is heavily involved in projects with the Amazonas State Environmental Secretariat as well as other state government institutions in the states of Amazonas and Acre. Much of this activity has occurred since July 2008. Germany participates in land management projects such as the formalizing of land titles and ownership records. The Germans are looking for ways to support the introduction of programs for Reducing Emissions for Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD), especially in Amazonas State.


¶8. (SBU) KfW has started a new climate protection initiative that originated in the German environmental ministry. The German government has allocated approximately 400 million Euros for international climate change projects, which will come from the auction of emission rights under a carbon trading scheme. Of this total, 120 million Euros have been set aside for the initial round of projects, and 20 million Euros are being designated specifically  for use in Brazil. 9. (SBU) Over the last two years the Germany has spent approximately 92 million Euros for climate related project. In regard to clean energy projects, Grewe told Science Officers that Germany plans to spend about 100 million Euros on wind energy in Brazil and 89 million Euros on a hydroelectric project. These will be implemented through the electric utilities Electrosul and Electrobras.


¶10. (SBU) Germany shares many of the USG’s concerns and interests regarding deforestation and climate change in Brazil. Germany has brought substantial financial and technical resources to help address these problems, and it plans to expand these efforts. Coordination of USG efforts with Germany and other contributors could offer opportunities to leverage our limited technical and financial resources in these critical areas.



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E.O. 12958: DECL: 01/08/2019

REF: (A) BRASILIA 1666 (B) BRASILIA 1159 BRASILIA 00000028 001.4 OF 003
Classified By: Deputy Chief of Mission Lisa Kubiske, Reason 1.4 (b) and (d)

¶1. (C) SUMMARY.

Brazil has a central role in the climate change arena, not only because it controls 70% of the Amazon rainforest, but also because it plays a pivotal role in the on-going UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) negotiations. USG efforts to have India and China assume binding targets under the UNFCCC may hinge on the Government of Brazil (GOB),s position in these talks. For this reason, Mission Brazil suggests that the USG start an active campaign to allay the GOB,s concern about the effect that any eventual agreement will have on its ability to promote economic growth or about the possibility that a post-Kyoto agreement will expose them to potential trade sanctions or other punitive measures. Allaying the GOB,s concerns on this front will make it possible for the GOB to take a more helpful position in these negotiations.

¶2. (C) Now is a propitious time and the USG has the tools to shift the GOB toward a more helpful position in the UNFCCC negotiations. These tools include working with forward leaning state and local governments, facilitating technical assistance in forest management, and creating opportunities for more technology transfer. END SUMMARY.


¶3. (SBU) Brazil has a dual importance in the field of climate change. First, massive deforestation has made Brazil, who has about 70 percent of the Amazon Forest in its territory, the fifth largest carbon emitter since 1950. For this reason, Brazil,s management of its tropical forests will have a marked impact on the climate.

¶4. (SBU) Second, the GOB has honed to an art the ability to block international negotiations when it disagrees with an outcome. Brazil,s potential spoiler role could undermine USG,s efforts to convince China and India (both non-Annex I countries to the UNFCCC) to take on emissions reductions targets. Brazil has strenuously opposed non-Annex I countries assuming reduction targets, citing the &common but differential responsibilities8 clause in the UNFCCC.


¶5. (SBU) Growth, growth, growth. President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and his team have made economic growth the centerpiece of his second term (2006-2010). Lula wants to bring a modicum of economic prosperity to his base: the approximately 20 million people living in the Amazon region and the over 100 million more living in or near poverty in the rest of the country. A heightened emphasis on growth at the expense of environmental concerns was led to the departure in May 2008 of former Environment Minister Marina Silva (considered an inflexible, absolutist on key environmental issues) and her replacement by the more pragmatic Carols Minc. The GOB does not consider climate change an immediate threat to Brazil, and is not willing to sacrifice other priorities to address the problem.

¶6. (SBU) The GOB sees several areas of concern in the negotiations of the post-Kyoto framework. The GOB fears that there will be trade sanctions imposed on those countries that do not meet emissions reduction targets. They are worried that the Europeans would like to use a punitive regime to implement reductions. Moreover, they suspect that Europe (and to a lesser extent the United States) would use such trade sanctions as a non-tariff barrier to undermine Brazil and third world competitors. Since approximately 80 percent of Brazil,s emissions result from deforestation, Brazil would need to have confidence that it could adequately control the rate of clearing before it could agree to binding international targets. The jump in deforestation figures for the 2007/2008 period shows that the government,s grip over the Amazon remains weak (REFTEL A).

¶7. (SBU) The GOB is also concerned by proposals for a sectoral approach. GOB officials believe the sectoral approach could lead to significant constraints on the Brazilian economy. Here again the GOB sees the hidden hand of competitors in the developed world, where the mature industries are looking for ways to impede the rise of new competitors in the developing world. BRASILIA 00000028 002.4 OF 003

¶8. (SBU) Brazil has looked favorably on other aspects of the climate change discussions that either do not threaten or could even boost economic growth. Thus, the GOB presses hard for technology transfer and financial assistance to the developing world. It also has promoted its Amazonas Fund, where international contributors provide Brazil with funding ) but with no strings or oversight ) to help conserve the Amazon Forest (REFTEL B).


¶9. (C) Brazil could take one of three approaches to the ongoing UNFCCC negotiations: – The Spoiler: This is GOB,s current approach, which is to seek to prevent developing countries from assuming binding international obligations. – The Passive Partner: The GOB is willing to have China and India assume binding obligations, but does not use its influence to accomplish this end. – The Active Ally: The GOB works with the USG to establish mechanisms to constrain emissions by developing countries. While it would be ideal to have the GOB working side-by-side with the USG in the international negotiations on a post-Kyoto agreement, it is more important that the GOB does not block a deal satisfactory to the USG.


¶10. (C) A critical element for changing the GOB,s approach to the negotiations is convincing them that the new regime, whether through overall emissions targets or by sectoral means, will not impede the GOB,s drive to expand the economy. The USG and Europeans should launch a campaign in Washington, Brasilia, and in European capitals (to the Brazilians) to convince the GOB of this important point. The USG should also reach out to other stakeholders such as state and local governments, civil society groups, and opinion makers who can help allay the fears of the federal government.


¶11. (C) With adequate assurances over their prospective economic growth, we are at a propitious time move the GOB to a Passive Partner or even an Active Ally role in these negotiations. Minister Minc has signaled willingness for Brazil to take a more ambitious approach toward climate change. Minc is close to the President,s powerful Chief of Staff, Dilma Rousseff, which could enhance his ability to influence the results of inter-ministerial debate. At the same time, Under Secretary for Political Affairs Everton Vargas (who has the lead within the Ministry of External Relations (MRE) on climate change) is expected to leave in February 2009 to become the Brazilian Ambassador in Germany. Under Secretary Andre Amado is taking over climate change negotiations for the MRE. This change may provide the USG with a greater opportunity to influence the GOB position in the upcoming UNFCCC negotiations. This opportunity is particularly important because the MRE, rather than the Ministry of the Environment (MMA), has retained the dominant role within the GOB on these negotiations.

¶12. (C) Equally important is the divide between the more forward leaning state governors of the Amazon region and the federal government. The governors have been working on climate change and environmental initiatives that are more aggressive than those of the federal government. Their efforts demonstrate a growing sentiment within Brazil that more can be done to combat climate change. These governors could be potential partners with the USG in efforts to influence the GOB’s position.


¶13. (C) USG and other developed nations have several tools at their disposal to encourage the GOB to adopt a more helpful approach in these negotiations. The USG should help to the GOB to address its economic concerns by providing technology transfers/sharing (such as with energy efficiency, clean energy, or biofuels); and financial assistance. The USG could start by building on existing mechanisms, such as the 2007 biofuels MOU, but the USG should also look for new opportunities to continue and expand these endeavors.

¶14. (C) The USG should simultaneously take action to persuade influential players in Brazil,s elite circles to weigh in for a more constructive approach. These players include state government leaders, national legislators, the business community, Non-Governmental Organizations, opinion leaders, and prominent scientists. This outreach could be accomplished through existing ties (such as those that the Mission has developed with the governors of the nine states in the Amazon region); building relationships between Brazilian legislators, scientists, and business leaders and their US counterparts; promoting and facilitating exchanges between Brazilian and US experts; and increasing contact and communication with opinion leaders and Brazilian NGOs with a focus on the compatibility of US and GOB interests in climate change negotiations.

¶15. (C) The USG should also leverage its technical, scientific, and economic resources to help the GOB tackle its deforestation problem. This could be accomplished by facilitating technical exchanges with the U.S. Forest Service, the National Park Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Bureau of Land Management with an aim of helping strengthen Brazil,s ability at the national, state and local levels to manage better its forests in a sustainable manner. The US could also provide financial assistance and scientific and economic analysis to help the GOB better understand current trends in deforestation and the likely impact of any policy changes.

¶16. (C) Finally, the USG should continue to promote state and municipal activities to reduce deforestation. Helping these governments could produce positive results that could be replicated elsewhere in the region. SOBEL

Still more here.

Inspectie Offshore Olieboringen : Huilen met de pet op

"Inspecteurs die verantwoordelijk zijn voor offshore olieboringen zijn overbelast, onvoldoende opgeleid, werken zonder officiele procedures bij sommige van hun belangrijkste beslissingen en krijgen soms onvoldoende steun van hun leidinggevenden in hun verzet tegen beinvloeding door de olieindustrie"

aldus een artikel in de NYT naar aanleiding van een rapport door de inspectuer generaal van binnelandse zaken.