The CCS Paradox

Carbon capture and storage, it is the fossil fuel industry’s answer to demands for emissions reduction. CO2 is caught right at the chimney of a powerplant, compressed and stored in underground caverns. Some imagine a market for CO2, as for instance greenhouses can use CO2 as fertilizer (often gas is burned to generate it). The […]

The Plan

The IPCC has produced rapport after rapport detailing the facts of climate change. Due to the worlds largely carbon based economics leaders have been passive and reluctant to even take the realities on board, helped by a concerted effort detailed by Naomi Oreskes, using the same doubt propaganda used for delaying the response to nuclear […]

Why money is not debt

A piece to explain why extraeconomics is a neccessary thing to escape carbon pollution and climate catastrophy. See Money today is not what it used to be at the start of the fossil fuel era. In the time manual labour was still the dominant factor in production of wealth the amount of money had […]

Het Probleem met Biomassa

Centrales stoken steeds meer biomassa bij omdat dit een groen imago heeft. Biomassa is een verzamelterm voor alles wat van ooit geleefd heeft. Meestal wordt hiermee massa van plantaardige aard bedoelt, maar daaronder valt hout, algen, overproductie zoals bieten, groente afval, etc. Dierlijk materiaal laten we even buiten beschouwing, maar vet brandt goed, dus slachtafval […]

Global War vs Global Standdown

..and the Robo/ExtraEconomy Tensions are rising around the world, between Japan and China, the US, Russia and Europe over Ukraine. Most fights we have seen recently can easily be explained in terms of oil and gas ambitions or dependencies.Everyone with oil or gas should share it with the world according to the US, the world […]