The Roboeconomic Challenge

In discussions with people that are working hard to green our economy it is often hard to convey an insight that is fundamental to solving our current climate predicament. We’re on a dangerous course and it seems like we’re on some kind of supertanker, while we’re not. To see that it is necessary to understand […]



The world economy is not compatible with human survival on earth. It has principles and rules that dictate one ignores resources and focusses on the ‘free market’. It is on one sentence “A system that maximizes the utilization of fossil fuels”, for the simple reason that there are people that sell fossil fuels, who want […]

Automation and Economics

  Automation and Economics Click here for the podcast We believe the planet will be saved by automated systems running on renewable energy. A world where that happens would have a so called robo-eco-nomy, and a lot of things we now hold for granted would not exist in that type of economy. The roboeconomy is […]

The Joule, or The Renewable Escape Strategy

The battle between those that want to sell and use fossil fuels and those that want to depart from that diseaster is being violently waged on the world stage. Not only wars over oil, but political movements against ugly wind turbines, climate denial, deregulation of pollution, gaging of fracking victims, the list is endless. Humanity […]

7 Projects

We don’t know how far we can carry our initiatives, we get no financial support. But the cost of a website is low, and this site has about 220.000 unique visitors this month, it should be possible to mobilize some interest or at least inspire some action based on what we present in this post […]

Oppertunistic Eco Restauration

While we babble on about what may be a threat, our ecosystem is devoured by a process that nobody dares or has the power to halt, the warming of our ocean and atmosphere. Whoever steps out of the artificial bubble of denial reduction and surprise projected suggested as the best mental performance by our media […]

Carboncredit and the Carbonbubble

Credit in our world only has value because it can ultimately buy fossil fuels. We hope to change this of course but common credit as provided by the so called carboncredit system really only works because it does exactly that : buy fossil fuels. The ongoing credit crisis thus does not mean there’s not enough […]

The Formula : Ep(n+1) = P x E x D x R X Rp x T X Ep(n)

Humans evolved over millenia into creatures abled to extract from their environment at least enough to live on and often a lot more. Since we found coal, oil, gas we have been on a sugar high that brought forth machines that now do most work, running on the fossil fuels or derived energy sources. The […]

The BBQ on the Powerkeg or how Renewables are Going to Blow!

Our world exists on the cusp of a positive explosion of wealth. Like a powderkeg used to support a BBQ it’s gonna blow, against the trends. The reason is simple : Renewables can build renewables. Oil wells don’t spring forth oil wells, nor do gas wells or coal mines. Renewable energy sources can produce renewable […]

The Grid : Between a Rock and a Hard Place

 “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”—Socrates Our position is to promote renewables first, not efficiency, because then the resto of the clean energy transition will follow. We are confirmed in this conviction by the changing situation in the energy markets. […]