
The RoboEconomy and ExtraEconomy Part 2

Economic thinking is incomplete, it takes the perspective of a hunter gatherer in a new unpopulated environment. This is a result of its deeply introvert attitude, as it has only one motivational drive profit. Every modern economic activity happens in the artificial context of bank financing. Projects will always go to banks to ask for […]


The RoboEconomy and ExtraEconomy Part 1

People will wonder what to do now, with the prospect painted by the IPCC. The predictions are dire, we all know it and actual reality seems to move quicker than most models predict. What to do if you are in a normal job with a wife and kids and a mortgage.. Humans are not made […]

Refugees and the Extraeconomy

We are seeing the shocking result of human trafficing in the Mediterranean. Hundreds of men, woman and children drown as they are shipped (sometimes locked up) on rickety boats from Lybia. Italy, being easiest to reach, has the burden of rescuing these people, and the honour of treating them humanely, and letting many of them […]

Roboeconomics 101

There is a mysterious side to economics. It’s called “the market”. It’s as undefined as “the universe” is to new aged believers. It is assumed that consumer demand will eventually direct cashflow towards producers of the best goods and services. It is assumed this process can afford to be blind to resource reserves, including human […]

The Rise of Extraeconomic Communities

We have written here about the Roboeconomy, or real life 3.0 in Max Tegmark speak. It is the economy that succesfully integrated human welbeeing, renewables and automation. We are in a transition to it now as automated systems are becoming easier to own by end consumers instead of producers. The extraeconomy or an extraeconomy is […]

Global War vs Global Standdown

..and the Robo/ExtraEconomy Tensions are rising around the world, between Japan and China, the US, Russia and Europe over Ukraine. Most fights we have seen recently can easily be explained in terms of oil and gas ambitions or dependencies.Everyone with oil or gas should share it with the world according to the US, the world […]