Misunderstanding The Roboeconomy

The Robo(eco)nomy is the clean energy driven economy in which robots make everything we need, and we don’t need to work necessarily. This is what we are kept from by the carbon/credit system that wants to extract any marging out of churning all natural resources into something they can motivate us to want and ask from them. The Roboeconomy has energy as currency and people are handed that energy to allocate towards the products they like. We have a similar system today, but the difference is 1. there is no energy scarcity, 2. there is no centralcurrency source. 3. There is no need to compete on another basis than quality.

Today this option is still very poorly understood, leading to the headline today..

Rise In Machines May Hinder U.S. Job Growth: Analysis

The clear mistake is that 1. You don’t want jobs per se. 2. If machines take your jobs, you should earn the income that machine generates. 

The reason this doesn’t work is because the scared energy recource (oil/coal/gas) could also be allocated elsewhere and to keep companies bussy banks let them slug it out amongst themselves and people have to be laid of to have more money (energy) in reserve to innovate and improve..  ONLY because there is a scarce energy resource, because it is not renewable and therfore free of charge.In the Roboeconomy the headline would read:

Rise In Machines Relieves More Workers : Analysis

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