Save The Oceans!

The oceans can be an abundant source of renewable energy if we protect and enable it. We can do so by creating artificial upwelling devices and by infusing oxygen where it is now running dangerously low. If we don’t they will become increasingly acidic, toxic and devoid of life. Predictions are fish will be all  but gone in about 30 years, and it’s not from overfishing.

A compilation of facts and trends that should raise serious alarm and action now can be found here.

Renewables are able to sustain our wealth a recent report by the IPCC concludes. It is a matter of breaking the monopolies of oil, gas and coal. It is not a money thing, because energy = money so renewable energy =  renewable money. It doesn’t help we still use ‘carbon’ money from ‘carbon’ banks, and that most people don’t link credit to the assumption of availability of fossil energy. What if there was no oil or gas, what would you be able to buy with your paper money?

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