Max Keiser Skirting the Carboncredit Insight with Carbon Bubble Promotors

Max has been ranting about the many ways in which banks have created fraudulent credit for themselves and credit has been taken from the public by low interest rates and policies, something we understand to be part of the carboncredit logic. This logic dictates that as available carbon is reduced or shifted elsewhere, liquidity in society has to be shrunk or prices of everything will go up.

Carboncredit a limit to growth  Het carboncredit systeem

These guys take another perspective. They say that if we are to halt burning carbon when we reach 2 degrees (which is diseasterzone) that about 80% of the reserves will remain unused. As this reserves are on the books for credit extention, this book value of reserves has to be cut. What these guys are talking about also makes carboncredit sense, because you don’t want to extend credit when the carbon is not there or prices will go up.

Money, credit or savings are worthless if there is no energy to produce goods when you want to spend it

In both cases the prices are kept stable so people are not alerted to a change of paradigma, and cashflows are protected. The guys are actually protecting the banking system and have Moody’s on their side. Moody’s, Standard & Poor and other rating agencies serve as leaders in the carboncredit system, becuase they determing the cost of credit, so effectively how much carbon a country or company can commandeer to do it’s work. 


Part of the conversation is about pensions. Pensions are illusions because the money people save in it only has value in a functioning economy, and you never know if that will exist when you get your money from your pension. Pensions need to shrink as hard as possible because the bad news is : Fossil fuel won’t be available to make all the stuff people would want to buy when they get the money. Better then to make sure they have less money. Also businesses and banks make money today, now that there’s still good access to oil (even if oil becomes more and more carbon intensive and complicated to get), so banks and industry will try to trick pensions out of their funds. They are already doing a charade about ‘coverage’ meaning they counted on certain interest on the savings but they didn’t materialize so now the pension given will be decreased. All this is completely understandable in the carboncredit logic.

Because you (still) can’t make anything without fossil fuels, money only buy stuff as long as they are available, and the amount of money people can spend today must match the amount of production possible today  

Max and his guests don’t get this far. Max tries to find the road to trade up while ditching oil, and that is impossible as long as all companies use fossil fuels for production. The guests try to make the industry do something preventative it has never done before, but they are backed by Moody’s because Moody’s has as its task to manage the carboncredit balance, it has to cut credit when the carbon supply/access drops.

Our habits, our beliefs about others, when shared and common, invite exploitation. ‘Economics’ gets installed in our elites so banks make profits 

It is a truth that even in a world without central control behaviour can be concerted. One of the biggest silent organizers in our world is economic theory, another is our credit based banking system. Both are used and applied without to much doubt, for instance in ‘kickstarting the economy’. Using prices is a reflection of the trust that someone maintains the relation between credit and productivity, and because productiviy depends on the availability of ‘carbon’ fuels that trust means one expects the carboncredit system to be managed.

Targeting ‘Price stability’ is managing the relation between carbon and credit 

This is what Bernanke means then he says the Federal Reserve Bank maintains ‘price stability’. It tries to manage the value of one dollar of carboncredit vis a vis US domination of fossil fuel reserves. This process is collapsing for geopolitical reasons, hence the growing poverty and agressive nature of US banks in trying to destroy demand at home and aboad (by crashing the PIIGS).   

The Wallstreet banks, in cooperation with the US government, have reduced carbon consumption by reducing liquidity around the world, shifting reserves towards CAUSA industry

What will happen is that Moodies will downgrade oil companies for real, and nobody can be blamed, so banks are ‘forced’ to lend less and more discriminately, more austerity will have to be applied as the dying carbon industry still tries to strangle the growing renewable one because renewables are made using ‘carbon’ fuels the use of which requires credit. This gets the banks off the hook, and allows for expansion of their power as chaos starts to spread in regions without fossil fuels to transition to renewables. Many people will die, as many are already dying.

Two options for the end game :

1. A carbon based plutocracy arises that starts to mine Clathrate gas from the ocean floor, fracking the hell out of every nook and cranny playing locust with natural resources while strangling the renewable industry where possible and creating a total surveillance environment. Mankind’s final moments will be spend in endless wars. Like the oil industry expert below confessed (second allinea).

Banks and the fossil fuel industry have been killing us for more than a century, the people in these sectors are selected to be short term thinkers loyal only to the corporation

2. Governments see that they have to increase the energy supply, and renewables being most easy to create and control shift the use of carbon fuels towards this sector, disregarding economic ideas like kickstarting something, actually focussing on cutting the carboncredit domination by building factories that create renewable energy sources using only renewble energy. This also include adopting a new money system, and abolishing the autonomy of the fossil fuel industry. With those measures the conditions of every living creature on earth starts to improve immediately.

Wealth is a function of Skills, Raw materials and Energy (notice the absence of credit or oil) 

The financial/fossil sector will dominate politics as much as it can as long as it can to remain in power. That is the nature of those industries. But these people are always and only bluffing and no match for a determined population. As always though these interests own both sides of the debate, so only a populist that has a clear idea about how to defeat the control by the banks and fossil fuel industry should be supported. The renewable future is the only future and it should be the one you want! 

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