Slimme combinatie technieken maakt airco overbodig

English clarification below.. 

Hier is iets te doen voor de bouwsector, een manier om luchtverversing en verwarming te realiseren volledig op duurzame basis, misschien zelfs resulteren in een energie neutraal gebouw!

Zou dit voor particuleren ook kunnen, bejaarden tehuizen, ziekenhuizen, scholen? Denk het wel! Dit sluit enigzins aan bij onze eerdere posts over Solar Air heating.


Ben Bronsema developed a method for converting buildings so that they do not require airconditioning and become near energy neutral. It is implemented by adapting the roofs and facades so they capitalize on the wind and solar energy available. Then it uses thermal convection and other intrinsic sources of flow to replace energy intensive fans and airconditioning systems. When the hot air is exhausted from the building in summer the heat can be extracted and stored in undergound aquifer or other heat storage tank for use later, or even to heat the buidling in winter. 

Applying these techniques (amongst which is solar air heating) to exiting buildings may be a quicker way to drive down carbon consumption than refubishing them with new heating systems. The adoption of these concepts can run into trouble because energy clients and banks don’t like to loos customers or cashflow. Yet it provides a model for future buildings and a way out of your costly airco bills.. 

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