Backbreather Corona Mask

Crude design

In Holland people have been advised not to wear facemasks. This seems to have had its origin in the right wing desire to create herd immunity, even though they say that the reason is to reserve face masks for nurses etc. There was a claim that masks don’t work -for this reason-. Of course basic logic defeats this advice, because 1. Masks do work against spreading and 2. Even if there is a masks shortage, people could improvise their own. One reason to prevent the use of basic masks (for building for example) is that these can contain anti-fungal toxins (to protect agains mold during storage) that are also toxic for humans. The general consensus is that wearing a mask is beneficial.

A masks is a very unreliable thing though, a piece of cloth will catch aerosol droplets in its pores, so then the virus lives in the cloth, until you touch it and then touch your face and so the risk of contamination is still there. We are a bit puzzled why there are no suggestions to wear better gear, a backbreather as we call it (maybe not the best name sowwy), that more or less eliminate all risk of aerosol contamination except from the hands or skin. The idea is simple, don’t get the air at face height, use a big filter so the pressure drop is low, and wear it around your waist. Can be run on Lithium batteries. Mouth, nose and eyes are covered by the breathing mask with overpressure. Should be fairly easy to heat mold masks like this.

These guys should be bussy

The basic advantage of this mask is that you can let people hang out with each other, especially if you screen them for fever and infection with fast methods (10 mins is possible) what will be the risk of spreading the virus then? Keeping distance is great but unreliable. Many filter products don’t cover the eyes, so this is a small change to make them usefull. Time to innovate in this field. We need ways to move about freely and we need them asap.

Atheism in Times of Corona

If you don’t believe in any god, not in a force that acts through everything, not in anything sentient with a will and powers that influences our lives, then you are probably an atheist. There is as wide a variety of atheists as there are people who do believe in a god or gods. Even within followers of religions, like for example the Roman Catholic church, there are atheists. This is because some people see the benefit of catholicism but don’t see any evidence of the existence of a god and don’t deem it necessary to even assume it. The core of Judaism has no god. It assumes ‘god’ is ‘in everything’, which speaks more about how a person sees the world. The god of the old testament is for the ‘dumb’ jews.

If you are an atheist you have expectation of entering heaven or hell after you die. You don’t have to hope or fear during your life, and your behaviour can be motivated by your own experiences and judgements. If you judge by how few people listen to warnings (about climate change) you can expect that even a very ‘religious’ person indoctrinated from birth will in the end just follow his/her heart. Crime rates are not lower in religious countries as far as we know. People are only happier in religious countries that have a thriving economy.

When it comes to the corona pandemic atheist seem to be better of than believers. The response ranges from outright denial of vulnerability to the virus by both muslim and christian leaders, to pretending to cure or protect against it to rationally advising physical distancing. An atheist can see that only when the best medical advice is followed, and one listens to the science (and allows medical professionals to do their job) you can expect the least suffering or risk of death during this calamity. Having been indoctrinated to believe in a god increased your risk of death on average.

There is a middle category one could identify within the religious realm, which is people that try to follow the behaviours of their god or religious figure. People that do that can definitely be atheists. If you follow the new testament teachings of Jezus, you may or may not believe he is the son of god, you can still do as he did. This is different even from following rules set out by a god (or prophet) of which there can be many that can never be lived by one individual (say rules about what men should do and women should do). It is way easier to make rules than to live by a specific set of rules. Some christian priests followed the behaviour of Jezus and visited the sick to console them, and died from being contaminated with the virus.

As atheist you can conclude that religions are a risk, that its priests can turn into dangerous charlatans causing many deaths. If you wished to protect yourself against religious denial of what seems safe to do on an empirical basis, its not sure how to go about it. The same argument holds if you consider other believes a risk, for instance the believe that economic growth is good, or the belief that everyone should be a muslim. Dangerous beliefs are everywhere, and time and time again the people that follow reason and empirical evidence have to fix things for them, that is atheists.

A Bankless Economy

We have written often about the nature of our economic system, which is a carbon credit system. The reason was that our economic system incentivises the use of fossil fuels because it tries to maximize cashflow for banks. At the same time banks object to development of privately owned renewables because they own the monopoly on fossil credit creation, and renewables reduces the need for this credit.

The mindfuck the world is conditioned to believe, very similar to religious believes is that this kind of economics is a good system, and unavoidable system, one in which hard work payes, one in which the rich with lots of cash are king. Of course banks are king. In fact oil companies should be king. The big mindfuck is that oil companies sell their oil to pay bills to banks, and countries like Saudi Arabia today is in trouble because they recieve so little money for their oil. But their oil IS what gives our money its value. They should just only sell the oil in Riyal, like Iran. They should forget about any debt to Wallstreet. If they did you’d see what keeps the system as it is : Military power.

Because of people’s misunderstanding of their own power banks are now buying up oil resources. “Whit what?” you could ask. Well, with money. Banks can create money out of thin air. If you spend the money you expect people to be producing stuff you can buy. The value of your cash completely depends on what people are producing. Without oil, no production, shipping, mining. Renewables only cover a small portion of this. So why not just keep the oil and trade it for goods and services? Because banks made everyone crazy.

Going back in history it all began with lack of trust and insecurity, people who accumulated wealth but had no use for it basically got mugged into entrusting it to someone else. This is the less romantic view. The Medici where bankers and maffia, quite a number where killed, but their backup was that they also held the papal position, so they had a bigger army to help them from Rome in times of need. Coercion and distrust are the basis of banking. The best strategy about banks would be to take away their privilige to create money. All banks should be nationalized under governments simply because governments have different objectives than private banks. Banks depend on governments to secure the oil that gives thier credit value, but then they run away with the profit!

The goal of a government, when it is supported by the people will be to serve the interests of the people. Keep them healty, secure vaccines against coronavirus, work on it in advance etc. It is a clear sign our governments have been hijacked by banks because both Trump and the dutch government did not see the use of preventive action against pandemics. Obama and GW Bush understood the threat. We could have a bubonic plague killing 50% of people instead of 3.5%, we would not be able to respond. We are very lucky. The bankers say “How can you prepare for such a rare event”, but this is exactly what you should perpare for! An example in history is Englands defeat of the vikings when they came raiding -again- because the leader had prepared the island for years.

One conclusion could be “The web of bank dependence is to wide and its succes is to reliable to defeat it”. That is the truth. Fossil fuels are being delivered very reliably for bank created credit, and if banks are allowed to hoax people into selling their wells for paper this will remain the case. Banks become the ones that distribute the power of their own fossil fuel assets, and people that need power will borrow from banks. This would lead us to inevitable climate chaos and death for almost everything alive on Earth. I saw a book about the end of civilizations, f.i. the Easter Islanders, why did they vanish, and then think how little we know about what kind of racket they where stuck in. Competing tree cutting clans? Compare to Yemen, that is about to run out of water. You don’t see it when you open the faucet until it happens, why would you respond?

The other conclusion could be “We need to compete with banks”. This starts with ownership of land, and control of politics. This can not be done without developing power. But power is for sale, solar, wind geothermal, wave energy all kan be a source of real power. Farmers can use wind energy to power the vehicles, work the land, generate fertilizer. This would cut them loose from banks as they would earn ‘carboncredits’ by selling their produce, but their cost would be close to zero. Banks have made sure not to fund projects that make farmers independent. This is one of the ways to take power back.

Any renewable energy project that is not debt loaded, where banks are not involved (even though they can increase the size of your project) is a candidate for true power. These are of course fought on every scale. Banks know this very well. This is what banks are terrified of. A super big renewable energy project owned by the state. It will be fucked with by banks until it lands into deep debt with the same banks. You could have Italy funneling all tourist tax into state owned solar, to be sold only by its central bank. Of course that central bank has a much larger interest in selling fossil credit so that would not work out.

Extraeconomic Nuclei

The only viable strategy is to look locally and invest in renewables to power local business that really produce something. Not a tanning salon but a car factory or bakery for example. The investment would have to be community cash, and the community would recieve dividend from the baker or factory. This would be an example of an extraeconomic system.

An extraeconomic activity is one that does not lend itself to economic exploitation. No debt can be loaded on it. This can be because it is fully owned by someone or a group or people while being debt free. Usually the energy requirement quickly ties an activity into the wider economy, because if you run a bakery for instance, you need gas or electricity for the stove, and to buy this you need Euro or USD and so you have to sell into the Euro/USD (or other carboncurrency) market. Of course your income from selling bread doesn’t only go to your gas/electricity but also to the supplier of flour who passes it on to the farmer who uses it to buy the diesel for his machines. Your bakery is only really extraeconomic if it bakes with owned energy sources, if the flour was milled with owned energy sources, if the farmer owns the field and the equipment was run electrically or with biodiesel from an owned source, e.g. if there was no wider fossil based economic system you depended upon. This means bankers that can simply print money can not grab what you own or created.